USPS Call in Number and Postalease TTY 1-866-833-8777 Department of Human Rights,Deaf Services Commissionof Iowa. Iowa State Registry for the Deaf - Interpreters for the deaf Iowa Department for the Blind/Deaf National Association of the Deaf Iowa Association of the Deaf,Inc. Board of Directors: President, Patrick Sell -; Vice President: Duane Meye -; Secretary: Gretchen Waeh -; Treasurer: Jerry Siders - Representatives: Julie Homer- Sioux City -; Lisa Oelberg -Mason City -; Jennifer Upah - Cedar Rapids -; Sherry Hirsh - Ames -; JAck Purcell - Fort Dodge -; Council Bluffs, Waterloo and Des Moines - vacant.  |  | | DEAF ACTION CENTER
P.O. BOX 1501 (50305-1501) 2525 E. EUCLID AVE, SUITE 102 DES MOINES IOWA 50317 515-266-5105 (VOICE) 515-266-0600 (TTY AND VIDEO PHONE) 515-266-5728 (FAX) (EMAIL) (EMAIL FOR SIGN CLASS) |
Transcriber - Karrie Truitt, Cart Service. 319-759-9573, APWU - About the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task ForceThe Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force is a forum for APWU members to address their unique problems and concerns in the workplace, union, and society. Established in 1988 by an amendment to the APWU National Constitution, its goals include: better communication, better representation; better training, a better workplace, a better union, and building friendship. Five regional representatives selected at the National Deaf/Hard of Hearing Conference serve as spokespeople for the committee. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the USPS and APWU includes a Memorandum of Understanding [PDF], which outlines management's obligation to provide "reasonable accommodation" to deaf and hard of hearing workers. Accomplishments Important achievements of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force include winning rights at work, within the union, and in the community. Reasonable Accommodations in Union Activities Include: - National conventions use real-time captioning, enabling Deaf/Hard of Hearing members to participate fully;
- All union videos offer closed captioning;
- TTY telecommunication devices are available at the union's national headquarters and in the offices of all five APWU Regional Coordinators.
Reasonable Accommodations at Work: - Visual light-alarm systems have been installed in many post offices;
- Vibrating beeper-pager systems are utilized in many post offices;
- Flashing lights, mirrors, and other safety and health items are in use at many post offices.
Strides in Education and Communication: - The Task Force has sponsored national, regional, state, and local conferences on the rights of Deaf/Hard of Hearing union members;
- Task force members have taught workshops on subjects such as, sensitivity training for the hearing APWU officers and stewards, and steward training for Deaf/Hard of Hearing members.
Community Projects - The Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force successfully lobbied for the "ILY" ("I Love You" in sign language) postage stamp;
- The Task Force works with the AFL-CIO Workers with Disabilities Project;
- The Task Force was awarded the "Spirit of NAD" award in 1996 from the National Association for the Deaf.
Lawsuit In May 2003 five deaf employees filed a class-action lawsuit against the USPS, charging that their civil rights were violated when management failed to provide qualified sign-language interpreters at work meetings, including those that addressed anthrax or other safety concerns. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Committee SpokespeopleThe APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Committee spokespeople are: Central Region Larry Trayner APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Representative, Central Region 3970 Roosevelt Blvd Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 e-mail: Local: Detroit District Area Local (MI) 711 (Relay Service TTY) 1-866-327-8877 (Sorenson VP Relay) (313) 277-1063 (Home/TDD/Fax/VP) (313) 532-9305 (Local) Eastern Region Marie M. “Marcie” Ryan APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Representative, Eastern Region 3496 Caloosa Way Woodbridge, VA 22193-5902 e-mail: pager: Local: Northern Virginia Area Local (VA) 711 (Relay Service) (703) 583-7734 (Home/TDD/Fax/VP) (703) 573-6731 (Local) Northeast Region Vacant Southern Region Mike C. Clifton APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Representative, Southern Region 6505 Muckleroy Street Houston, TX 77076 e-mail: pager: Local: Houston, Texas Area Local 711 (Relay Service) (713) 691-6840 (Home/TDD/Fax/VP) (713) 691-4818 (Local) Western Region Christopher Anaya APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force Representative, Western Region PO Box 12082 Fresno, CA 93776 e-mail: Local: Fresno Area Local 711 (Relay Service) 559-645-4611 [back to top]