Call PostalEASE toll-free at 1-877-4PS-EASE (1-877-477-3273)
PostalEase is the U.S. Postal Service's telephone enrollment system for Thrift Savings Plan transactions, Direct Deposit/allotments and more. The USPS uses several PIN numbers. Please see our PIN Numbers page for a complete explanation of USPS PIN numbers.
Have the following information ready when calling PostalEASE: - Your Social Security Number (SSN) - Your Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you don't know your PIN, call PostalEASE and follow the prompts to request that your PIN be mailed to your address of record. (This takes 10 days or less.)
If using PostalEASE for your allotment/net to bank options, please have the following additional information ready: - Your 9 digit Financial Institution Routing Number (obtain from your financial institution) - Your Account Number and type of account
After completing your transaction you will hear your confirmation number, when your choices will be processed, and when your choices will be reflected in your paycheck. Record this information for your reference.