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  • Annual Leave
    Updated On: Nov 09, 2022

    MOU Annual Leave exchange Option for leave year

    MOU Annual Leave carry over for leave year 2023

    Annual Leave Exchange 2023

    Annual Leave Carryover 2023

    Annual Leave Exchange 2021

    Accrued Leave LWOP 1996

    Annual Leave Carry Over MOU

    Annual Leave Exchange Option MOU

    Annual Leave Exchange Option PTF 2010

    Approved Leave MSPB position 1986

    Approving Leave

    Exchange Option

    Exhausting and Insufficient Leave

    Higher Level while on leave

    Leave and Benefits

    Leave and Benefits 2

    Leave for PTF's

    LWOP in Lieu of AL/SL

    Leave Minimums

    Maternity Leave

    Maternity Leave 1985

    Minimum Leave

    MSPB Ruling on use of Scheduled Leave

    National Day of Observance

     PTF Leave

    PTF Leave 1990

    Religious Accomodations

    Scheduled vs Unscheduled


    Summary: Annual leave is provided to employees for rest, for recreation, and for
    personal and emergency purposes. Annual leave
    is provided to employees for paid time off from regularly scheduled work hours. The chart below shows how much annual leave is accrued for full-time and part-time employees. Annual leave for full-time employees is credited at the beginning of the leave year, while annual leave for part-time employees is accrued in units of 20, 13, or 10 hours worked.

    Service Time Less than 3 years 3-15 years 15 years or more
    Leave Per Year/ Pay Period

    4 hours for each full biweekly pay

    period; i.e. 104 hours (13 days) per 26-period leave year.

    6 hours for each full biweekly pay period plus 4 hours in last full pay period in calendar year; i.e. 160 hours (20 days) per 26-period leave year.

    8 hours for each full biweekly pay period; i.e., 208 hours (26 days) per 26-period leave year

    Maximum Leave Carryover

    Bargaining Unit Employees: 440 hours (55 days)

    From ELM Chapter 510 April 2004


    Annual Leave Exchange



    The annual leave exchange program provides eligible employees with the opportunity to receive cash in exchange for leave that they will earn during the next leave year. Accumulated leave and leave accrued during the current leave year cannot be exchanged under this program. The terms and conditions for exchanging leave vary for bargaining unit and nonbargaining unit employees and are explained in the instructions mailed to eligible employees before the open season November 15 through December 15 each year.


    Bargaining Unit Annual Leave Exchange

    Certain national collective bargaining agreements provide a leave exchange option for covered employees. Eligibility and the other terms and conditions for this option are set forth in the applicable collective bargaining agreements and information related to administering the program.


    Nonbargaining Unit Annual Leave Exchange

    Career employees permanently assigned to a nonbargaining unit position are provided the option at the end of the calendar year to exchange for cash a given number of hours of the annual leave they would otherwise earn during the next leave year. The minimum and maximum number of hours allowed each year, as well as the leave balance the employee must have at the end of the leave year in which the election is made, and any other requirements, are determined by consultation with Postal Service management associations and specified in information related to administering the program.


    Annual Leave Sharing

    The annual leave-sharing program provides employees the opportunity to receive and use donated annual leave and to donate their annual leave to another employee under certain conditions. The program is limited to career nonbargaining unit and bargaining unit employees and to noncareer employees designated as transitional employees (TEs) under certain collective bargaining agreements. The terms and conditions for this program are set forth in applicable collective bargaining unit agreements and memorandums of understanding. Instructions for administration of the terms and conditions are found in Management Instruction EL-510-1999-4, Annual Leave Sharing Program.

    519.32 Voting or Registering to Vote
    Employees Labor & Relations Manual
    519.321 Policy

    Employees are encouraged to exercise their voting rights. So far as is practicable without seriously interfering with service, postal employees, excluding casual and temporary employees, who desire to vote or register in any election or in any referendum on a civic matter in their community are excused for a reasonable time for that purpose on a day they are scheduled to work. Casual and temporary workers are encouraged to vote but are not eligible for administrative leave for this purpose.

    519.322 Administrative Determination

    Postal officials in charge of installations obtain necessary information concerning the hours during which the polls are open in the political subdivisions in which their employees reside. They then make an administrative determination regarding the amount of excused absence necessary (and limits in accordance with 519.323). Employees are notified of this determination and of the procedures to be followed in obtaining advance approval for the absence.

    519.323 Voting

    The following provisions concern time allowed for voting:

    a. Three-Hour Rule. As a general rule, if the polls are not open at least 3 hours either before or after an employee's scheduled hours of work, the employees may be excused for the length of time that permits them to report for work 3 hours after the polls open or to leave work 3 hours before the polls close, whichever requires the lesser amount of time off.

    b. Exception to Three-Hour Rule. Under exceptional circumstances, if the general rule in 519.323a does not permit sufficient time, an employee may be excused for the additional time needed to vote. However, time off must not exceed a full day.

    c. Charge to Annual Leave or LWOP. If an employee's voting place is beyond normal commuting distance and if voting by absentee ballot is not permitted, employees may be granted sufficient time off to be able to make the trip to the voting place to cast their ballots. When more than 1 day is required to make the trip to the voting place, postal officials observe a liberal policy in granting necessary time off for this purpose. Time off in excess of 1 day is charged to annual leave or, if annual leave is exhausted or the employee so requests, it is charged to LWOP.

    519.324 Registration

    If the employee votes in a jurisdiction that requires registration in person, time off to register is granted on substantially the same basis as for voting, except that no time is granted if registration can be accomplished on a nonworkday and the place of registration is within a (reasonable) 1 day, round trip travel distance of the employee's place of residence.

    519.325 Restrictions

    An employee is not allowed administrative leave for voting or registration during a period of absence on sick leave, annual leave, or LWOP pay.

    512 Annual Leave

    512.1 General

    512.11 Purpose

    Annual leave is provided to employees for rest, for recreation, and for personal and emergency purposes.

    512.12 Definitions

    The following definitions apply for the purposes of 510:

    a. Leave year - the year beginning with the first day of the first complete pay period in a calendar year and ending on the day before the first day of the first complete pay period in the following calendar year.

    b. Accumulated leave - the total unused leave that remains to the credit of the employee at the beginning of any leave year.

    c. Current leave - leave that an employee earns by biweekly pay periods during the current leave year.

    d. Accrued leave - leave that is earned but is unused by an employee during any period during the current leave year.

    512.2 Determining Annual Leave Category

    512.21 General Policy

    Annual leave category is determined by using the leave policy in effect at the time an employee enters a career appointment or transfers into the Postal Service.

    Both active military and civilian service, as outlined in 512.22 and 512.23, are used in computing the years of service that determine an employee's annual leave category, but leave credit is not allowed for both civilian and military service that cover the same period of time. Other service not counted is listed in 512.24.

    Return to top of page

    512.22 Federal Civilian Service Counted
    512.221 Service in the Postal Service

    The following prior service in the Postal Service is used in computing the years of service that determine the annual leave category:

    a. Service performed while a career employee of the Postal Service or Post Office Department.

    b. Time on the rolls during which an employee served as a substitute rural carrier (not just the dates on which actual service was performed) if the time is creditable for the federal retirement program applicable to the employee.

    c. If performed before January 1, 1977, time on the rolls as a casual or temporary employee, or time actually worked as a postmaster relief/leave replacement in an office other than fourth-class.

    d. For postmaster relief/replacement in a fourth-class office, time actually worked after July 21, 1947, and before January 1, 1977.

    512.222 Service in Other Federal Government Organizations, the District of Columbia, or Gallaudet University

    The following service in the federal government, the District of Columbia, or Gallaudet University, regardless of breaks in service, is used in computing the years of service that determine the annual leave category:

    a. Career, career conditional, and excepted appointment service (without a "not to exceed" (NTE) date).

    b. Seasonal, on-call, or intermittent employment, even though it may be an "indefinite career appointment," credited on a "when actually employed" (WAE) basis. For such appointments, no credit for leave is given for leave without pay (LWOP) periods.

    c. Time-limited or temporary appointment service performed prior to January 1, 1977.

    d. VISTA service prior to October 1, 1973.

    e. District of Columbia (D.C.) government service only if (a) the person was employed there prior to October 1, 1987, or, if service in an appointment by the D.C. government to St. Elizabeth's Hospital, on October 1, 1977, and (b) the service is creditable for Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) purposes.

    Return to top of page

    512.23 Military Service Counted
    512.231 Service of an Employee Not Eligible for Military Retirement Annuity

    The following military service is used in computing the years of service that determine the annual leave category:

    a. Periods of active service terminated by honorable discharge or transfer to inactive reserves under honorable conditions. Active service may be in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and/or Coast Guard and their respective academies.

    b. Service performed by employees who are members of the National Guard Service or Air National Guard Service only during periods of active duty with the U.S. Army or U.S. Air Force.

    c. Service performed by Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps students during periods of active duty or training duty as members of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.

    Note: Veterans Affairs (VA) disability payments for service-connected injuries or illnesses are not retirement annuities. If a VA disability payment is received and the employee is not eligible for a military retirement annuity, 512.231 applies. If the employee is eligible for a military retirement annuity, 512.232 applies.

    512.232 Service of an Employee Eligible for Military Retirement Annuity

    The following military service is used in computing the years of service that determine the annual leave category:

    a. Full Credit. Full leave accrual credit for all of active military service is granted if a military retiree meets one of the following four conditions:

    (1) Retirement was based on disability resulting from injury or disease received in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict.

    (2) Retirement was based on disability caused by an instrumentality of war and incurred in the line of duty during a period of war defined in 38 United States Code (U.S.C.) 101 and 301.

    (3) On November 30, 1964, the employee was employed in a civilian office to which the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951 applied and continues to be employed in a civilian capacity without a break in civilian service of more than 30 days.


    (a) A military retiree who as a military reservist or member of the National Guard was called from civilian employment to active military duty before November 30, 1964, and after that date was restored to a civilian position (under 5 U.S.C. 3551) does not meet this condition.

    (b) Section 3551 provides only for restoration; therefore, the employee is not considered as having been on military furlough or leave of absence from a civilian position or as having been employed on November 30, 1964, in a civilian position to which section 6303(a), the former Annual and Sick Leave Act, applied.

    (4) The individual first becomes eligible for a uniformed services annuity while serving as a career employee. This provision applies to members of the Reserve Component of the Armed Forces (Reserves and National Guard) who (a) qualify for an annuity because of reserve service or (b) are involuntarily recalled to active duty under Title 10, qualify for uniformed services retirement during that period of active duty, and then are restored to federal civilian employment on completion of that period of involuntary military service. This provision applies only to the employee's current period of civilian employment; if the employee separates and is reemployed later, the provision is no longer applicable.

    b. Partial Credit. Military retirees who do not qualify for full leave accrual credit can qualify for partial credit based on the following:

    (1) Service for determining an employee's leave category is restricted to the actual length of time in active service in the armed forces during any war or in any nonwartime campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge was authorized.

    (2) Service in a nonwartime campaign or expedition does not entitle the military retiree to credit for the duration of the campaign or expedition but only for the period of service in the campaign or expedition.

    Note: Exhibit 512.232 provides data about wars and campaigns and expeditions for which campaign badges were authorized.

    c. Verification. Military service should be verified:

    (1) Disability Retirements. Request verification from the records center of the appropriate military branch.

    (2) Wartime Service. Verify from discharge certificates (e.g., DD Form 214).

    (3) Military Records Center. Addresses and other data necessary to verify service are provided in SF180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, found at the following Web site: http://www.archives.gov/research/order/standard-form-180.pdf.

    (4) Campaign or Expeditionary Service. Verify by sending a completed SF 813, Verification of a Military Retiree's Service in Nonwartime Campaigns or Expeditions, to the appropriate military records center. SF 813 can be found at the following Web site: http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/SF813.pdf.

    Exhibit 512.232
    Campaigns, and Expeditions of the Armed Forces Since 1937

    a. Wars1
    War Inclusive Dates
    World War I April 6, 1917 - July 2, 19212
    World War II December 7, 1941 - April 28, 19523
    b. Nonwar Campaigns and Expeditions Since 1937 for Which a Campaign or Expeditionary Medal Has Been Awarded.
    Campaign or Expedition Inclusive Dates
    American Defense Service September 8, 1939 - December 7, 1941
    Army Occupation of Austria May 9, 1945 - July 27, 1955
    Army Occupation of Berlin May 9, 1945 - October 2, 1990
    Army Occupation of Germany (exclusive of Berlin) May 9, 1945 - May 5, 1955
    Army Occupation of Japan September 3, 1945 - April 27, 1952
    China Service July 7, 1937 - September 7, 1939
    China Service Medal (Extended) September 2, 1945 - April 1, 1957
    Korea Defense Service Medal July 28, 1954 - (to be decided)
    Korean Service June 27, 1950 - July 27, 1954
    Navy Occupation of Austria May 8, 1945 - October 25, 1954
    Navy Occupation of Trieste May 8, 1945 - October 25, 1954
    Southwest Asia Service Medal (SWASM):
    Operation Desert Shield
    Operation Desert Storm

    August 2, 1990 - November 30, 1995
    August 2, 1990 - November 30, 1995
    Units of the Sixth Fleet (Navy) May 9, 1945 - October 25, 1955
    Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) July 4, 1965 - March 28, 1973
    Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM)
    (A veteran's DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty, showing the award of any Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is acceptable proof. The DD Form 214 does not have to show the name of the theater or country of service for which that medal was awarded.)
    Inclusive Dates
    Operation Enduring Freedom
    Operation Iraqi Freedom

    September 11, 2001 - (to be decided)
    March 19, 2003 - (to be decided)
    Berlin August 14, 1961 - June 1, 1963
    Operation Joint Endeavor
    Operation Joint Guard
    Operation Joint Forge

    November 20, 1995 - December 20, 1996
    December 20, 1996 - June 20, 1998
    June 21, 1998 - (to be decided)
    Cambodia March 29, 1973 - August 15, 1973
    Cambodia Evacuation: Operation Eagle Pull April 11, 1975 - April 13, 1975
    Congo July 14, 1960 - September 1, 1962, and
    November 23 - 27, 1964
    Cuba October 24, 1962 - June 1, 1963
    Dominican Republic April 28, 1965 - September 21, 1966
    El Salvador January 1, 1981 - February 1, 1992
    Global War on Terrorism September 11, 2001 - (to be decided)
    Grenada: Operation Urgent Fury October 23, 1983 - November 21, 1983
    Haiti: Operation Uphold Democracy September 16, 1994 - March 31, 1995
    Indian Ocean/Iran November 21, 1979 - October 20, 1981
    Operation Northern Watch4
    Operation Desert Spring
    Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
    Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)

    January 1, 1997 - (to be decided)
    December 31, 1998 - December 31, 2002 (projected)
    September 11, 2001 - (to be decided)
    March 19, 2003 - (to be decided)
    Korea October 1, 1966 - June 30, 1974
    Kosovo Campaign Medal (KCM):
    Operation Allied Force
    Operation Noble Anvil
    Task Force Saber
    Task Force Hunter
    Operation Sustain Hope/Shining Hope
    Operation Allied Harbor
    Task Force Hawk
    Task Force Falcon

    March 24, 1999 - June 10, 1999
    March 24, 1999 - July 20, 1999
    March 31, 1999 - July 8, 1999
    April 1, 1999 - November 1, 1999
    April 4, 1999 - July 10, 1999
    April 4, 1999 - September 1, 1999
    April 5, 1999 - June 24, 1999
    June 11, 1999 - (to be decided)
    Laos April 19, 1961 - October 7, 1962
    Lebanon July 1, 1958 - November 1, 1958, and
    June 1, 1983 - December 1, 1987
    Mayaguez Operation May 15, 1975
    Operations in the Libyan Area:
    Operation Eldorado Canyon

    April 12, 1986 - April 17, 1986
    Panama: Operation Just Cause December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990
    Persian Gulf: Intercept Operation4 December 1, 1995 - (to be decided)
    Persian Gulf Operations:
    Operation Earnest Watch
    Operation Vigilant Sentinel
    Operation Southern Watch4
    Operation Desert Thunder
    Operation Desert Fox

    July 24, 1987 - August 1, 1990
    December 1, 1995 - February 15, 1997
    December 1, 1995 - (to be decided)
    November 11, 1998 - December 22, 1998
    December 16, 1998 - December 22, 1998
    Quemoy and Matsu Islands August 23, 1958 - June 1, 1963
    Somalia: Operation Restore Hope and United Shield December 5, 1992 - March 31, 1995
    Taiwan Straits August 23, 1958 - January 1, 1959
    Vietnam (including Thailand) July 1, 1958 - July 3, 1965
    Vietnam Evacuation: Operation Frequent Wind April 29, 1975 - April 30, 1975
    Navy Expeditionary Medal and Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal Inclusive Dates
    Cuba January 3, 1961 - October 23, 1962
    Indian Ocean/Iran November 21, 1979 - October 20, 1981
    Iranian/Yemen/Indian Ocean December 8, 1978 - June 6, 1979
    Lebanon August 20, 1982 - May 31, 1983
    Liberia: Operation Sharp Edge August 5, 1990 - February 21, 1991
    Libyan Area January 20, 1986 - June 27, 1986
    Panama April 1, 1980 - December 19, 1986, and
    February 1, 1990 - June 13, 1990
    Persian Gulf February 1, 1987 - July 23, 1987
    Rwanda: Operation Distant Runner April 7, 1994 - April 18, 1994
    Thailand May 16, 1962 - August 10, 1962
    1 "Wars" include only those armed conflicts for which a declaration of war was issued by Congress. The Title 38, U.S.C., definition of "war," which is used in determining benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs, includes the Vietnam Era and other armed conflicts. That Title 38 definition is not applicable for purposes of granting partial leave credit to military retirees.
    2 July 2, 1921, is the date of a Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress that terminated the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    3 The effective date of the Treaty of Peace with Japan that officially terminated World War II.
    4 Ongoing campaign or operation through August 2000.

    Return to top of page

    512.24 Service Not Counted

    Credit is not allowed for:

    a. Service in a nonpay status in excess of 6 months in a calendar year unless the employee is in an LWOP status and is (1) receiving Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) benefits, (2) serving as a full-time officer or employee of an employee or management organization, or (3) on active military service while being carried on postal rolls in an LWOP status.

    b. LWOP periods during indefinite career appointments that are seasonal, on-call, or intermittent employment.

    c. VISTA service after October 1, 1973, Peace Corps, or similar volunteer service.

    d. Tennessee Valley Authority service.

    e. Time-limited or temporary service performed on or after January 1, 1977.

    f. Service in Army and Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES), Navy and Coast Guard Exchanges, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, and other organizations under the jurisdiction of the armed forces conducted for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of armed forces personnel.

    g. Foreign national service, that is, service during which the employee worked outside the United States for a federal agency - such as the Department of the Army, the U.S. Department of State, or the U.S. Agency for International Development - as a foreign citizen.

    512.3 Accrual and Crediting

    512.31 Employee Categories
    512.311 Full-Time Employees

    The following provisions concern full-time employees:

    a. Accrual Chart. Full-time career employees earn annual leave based on their number of creditable years of service:

    Leave Category Creditable Service Maximum Leave Per Year
    4 Less than 3 years 4 hours for each full biweekly pay period; i.e., 104 hours (13 days) per 26-period leave year.
    6 3 years but less than 15 years 6 hours for each full biweekly pay period plus 4 hours in last full pay period in calendar year; i.e., 160 hours (20 days) per 26-period leave year.
    8 15 years or more. 8 hours for each full biweekly pay period; i.e., 208 hours (26 days) per 26-period leave year.

    b. Credit at Beginning of Leave Year. Full-time career employees are credited at the beginning of the leave year with the total number of annual leave hours that they will earn for that leave year.

    c. Changes in Employee's Accrual Rate. Leave credit at the beginning of the leave year reflects any change in an employee's accrual rate for that year.

    d. Change From Part-Time to Full-Time. An employee who changes from a part-time to a full-time employee after the start of a leave year is credited with the annual leave to be earned for the remainder of the leave year.

    e. Nonpay Status. Leave credit for periods in which an employee is in a nonpay status is reduced during the leave year as follows:

    (1) When an employee's absence in a nonpay status totals the equivalent of 1 pay period of regular service during the leave year (10 days or 80 hours), credit for leave is reduced by the amount of leave earned by the employee in a pay period.


    (a) For rural carriers who are required to work 6 days a week, the equivalent of 1 pay period is 12 days or 96 hours.

    (b) For J route carriers, the equivalent of 1 pay period is 11 days or 88 hours.

    (2) When an employee has one or more periods of LWOP during the leave year, all hours in a nonpay status (during periods in which the employee earned annual leave) are totaled to reduce leave credits.

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    512.312 Part-Time Employees

    The following provisions concern part-time employees:

    a. Accrual and Crediting Chart. Part-time career employees other than rural carriers earn annual leave based on the number of hours in which they are in pay status (see Exhibit 512.312).

    b. Biweekly Crediting. Leave accrues and is credited in whole hours at the end of each biweekly pay period. All hours in pay status that cannot be credited for leave purposes (see 512.312a) are dropped when:

    (1) The leave year ends.

    (2) The employee's status is changed from part-time to full-time.

    (3) The employee is removed from the rolls for any cause.

    c. Exceptions. The following are exceptions to the crediting rule in 512.312b.

    (1) Part-time regular schedule employees including A-E postmasters are credited with annual leave on a pro rata basis, according to their authorized daily schedules. Employees other than A-E postmasters must wait until they have 1 year or more of career service to be credited at the beginning of the leave year with the annual leave that they will earn during the leave year. A-E postmasters are credited at the beginning of the leave year with the annual leave that they earn during the leave year. Part-time regular employees are entitled to additional leave hours, based on their leave category, for each 20, 13, or 10 hours of work in excess of the schedule (see Exhibit 512.312).

    (2) Substitute rural carriers and rural carrier associates (RCAs) earn leave for time serving (a) a vacant route or (b) a route from which the rural carrier is on extended leave in excess of 90 days. RCAs also earn leave based on the number of hours worked serving an auxiliary route for a period in excess of 90 days. The leave category for substitute rural carriers is based on creditable service, and for RCAs it is based on category 4. The first day of the pay period following 90 days, the substitute or RCA is credited with accrued annual leave for the first 90 days.

    (3) Auxiliary rural carriers, including substitute rural carriers in dual appointments, are credited with annual leave for actual service performed in accordance with their appropriate leave category. If auxiliary rural carriers are otherwise employed (e.g., as clerks in the Post Office), such additional service is also used in the computation of leave credit; otherwise, they are credited as instructed in 512.312a.

    Exhibit 512.312
    and Crediting Chart for Part-Time Career Employees

    Leave Category Years of Creditable Service Maximum Leave per Year Rate of Accrual Hours in Pay Status Hours of Leave Earned per Period
    4 Less than 3 years. 104 hours, or 13 days per 26-period leave year or 4 hours for each biweekly pay period. 1 hour for each unit of 20 hours pay in status. 20
    4 (max.)
    6 3 years but less than 15 years. 160 hours, or 20 days per 26-period leave year or 6 hours for each full biweekly pay period.1 1 hour for each unit of 13 hours in pay status. 13
    6 (max.)1
    8 15 years or more. 208 hours, or 26 days per 26-period leave year or 8 hours for each full biweekly pay period. 1 hour for each unit of 10 hours in pay status. 10
    8 (max.)
    1 Except that the accrual for the last pay period of the calendar year may be 10 hours, provided the employee has the 130 creditable hours or more in a pay status in the leave year for leave purposes.
    Recording Hours for Annual and Sick Leave
    a. Units of hours in a pay status are converted into annual leave credits at the rate of 1 hour for each unit of 20, 13, or 10 hours in a pay status - up to a maximum of 4, 6, or 8 hours per biweekly pay period, depending on the employee's leave category.
    b. Hours in a pay status in excess of these whole units are accumulated and carried forward as excess workhours. These excess (uncredited) workhours are added to hours in a pay status in the next period.
    c. Whole units of creditable hours (20, 13, or 10) are then converted into leave hours at the unit rate - provided no more leave is credited to a part-time employee than could be earned in the same leave year by a full-time employee.
    d. The maximum credit allowable for a particular leave category is calculated by multiplying the period number by the number of leave hours allowable per period.

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    512.313 Appointees

    The following provisions concern appointees:

    a. Rate of Leave Accrual. The rate of leave accrual for a new career employee (whether appointed, reinstated, or transferred) is determined promptly as soon as related facts are verified. It is based on creditable service, both civilian and military (see 512.2).

    b. Ninety-Day Qualifying Period.

    (1) Requirement. New employees are not credited with and may not take annual leave until they complete 90 days of continuous employment under one or more appointments without a break in service.

    Exception: This requirement does not apply to (a) career (or career conditional) employees who have had a minimum of 90 days of continuous federal service prior to transferring, without a break in service, to a Postal Service career position (see 512.812 and 512.91) or (b) substitute rural carriers or RCAs who are in a leave-earning status and convert to a Postal Service career position without a break in service.

    (2) Break in Service. A break in service of 1 or more workdays breaks the continuity of employment. Any further employment requires beginning a new 90-day period. (For substitute rural carriers and RCAs, see 512.552.)

    (3) Active Military Service. Active military service for an employee not entitled to mandatory restoration is a break in civilian service. The employee begins a new 90-day qualifying period for leave purposes.

    (4) Full-Time Employees and A-E Postmasters. After new employees complete the 90-day qualifying period, they are credited with annual leave to be earned during the remainder of the leave year plus the leave earned during the qualifying period.

    (5) Part-Time Employees Except A-E Postmasters. After part-time employees complete the 90-day qualifying period, annual leave that they have accrued is credited to their accounts.

    c. Partial Pay Period.

    (1) Any employee whose appointment is made effective after the first Monday of a pay period does not receive leave credit for service performed during that pay period. Part-time employees appointed in this manner do not have their service hours brought forward for leave purposes for that pay period.

    (2) An employee transferring from an agency having different pay periods may be given credit for the partial period.

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    512.32 Maximum Carryover
    512.321 Maximum Carryover Amounts

    The maximum carryover amount, i.e., the maximum amount of previously accumulated annual leave with which an employee may be credited at the beginning of a year, is as follows:

    a. Bargaining Unit Employees. The maximum leave carryover for bargaining unit employees is 55 days (440 hours).

    b. Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) Employees. The maximum carryover amount for EAS employees is 70 days (560 hours).

    c. Employees Affected by Public Law 102. For employees who, on January 1, 1953 (prior to the passage of Public Law 102), (1) had more accumulated leave to their credit than the amounts provided above, and (2) who have maintained balances in excess of those amounts, the maximum carryover amount is the balances they have maintained.

    512.322 Nonbargaining Unit to Bargaining Unit

    When a nonbargaining unit employee is permanently assigned to a bargaining unit position, the employee's annual leave carryover ceiling is reduced to the carryover ceiling for that bargaining unit. The employee is permitted to use the excess annual leave over the bargaining unit ceiling during the leave year in which the permanent assignment is effective.

    512.4 Authorizing Annual Leave

    512.41 Requests for Annual Leave
    512.411 General

    Except for emergencies, annual leave for all employees except postmasters must be requested on PS Form 3971 and approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor. Leave requests from rural carriers must be approved in accordance with Article 10 of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement.

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    512.412 Emergencies

    An exception to the advance approval requirement is made for emergencies; however, in these situations, the employee must notify appropriate postal authorities of the emergency and the expected duration of the absence as soon as possible.

    When sufficient information is provided to the supervisor to determine that the absence may be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the supervisor completes a PS Form 3971 and mails it to the employee's address of record along with a Publication 71, Notice for Employees Requesting Leave for Conditions Covered by Family and Medical Leave Policies.

    When the supervisor is not provided enough information in advance of the absence to determine that the absence is covered by FMLA, the employee must submit PS Form 3971 and applicable medical or other certification upon returning to duty and explain the reason for the emergency to his or her supervisor.

    Supervisors approve or disapprove the leave request. When the request is disapproved, the absence may be recorded as LWOP or absent without leave (AWOL) at the discretion of the supervisor as outlined in 512.422.

    512.42 PS Form 3971 Request for or Notification of Absence
    512.421 Purpose

    Request for annual leave is made in writing, in duplicate, on PS Form 3971.

    512.422 Approval or Disapproval

    The supervisor is responsible for approving or disapproving the request for annual leave by signing PS Form 3971, a copy of which is given to the employee. If a supervisor does not approve a request for leave, the Disapproved block on PS Form 3971 is checked and the reasons given in writing in the space provided. When a request is disapproved, the granting of any alternate type of leave, if any, must be noted along with the reasons for disapproval. AWOL determinations must be similarly noted.

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    512.423 Retention and Disposal Period

    Forms 3971 are retained by the installation head for 2 years from the date the leave is taken or disapproved and are then destroyed. (Documents that become a part of a disciplinary file or administrative proceeding will be disposed of with that file.)

    512.43 Insufficient Leave Balance

    If the leave is approved and the employee has an insufficient leave balance, it is changed to LWOP when the employee's pay is processed.

    512.5 Leave Charge Information

    512.51 Full-Time Employees
    512.511 Minimum Unit Charge

    Minimum unit charges for full-time employees are as follows:

    Employee Category Minimum Unit Charge
    All full-time nonexempt employees. One-hundredth of an hour (0.01 hour).
    Full-time exempt. (See 519.7.)
    Regular rural carriers. 1 day (8 hours).
    Substitute rural carriers and RCAs when in a leave-earning status and serving: blank
    (1) Vacant routes. 1 day (8 hours).
    (2) Routes from which rural carriers are on extended leave. 1 day (8 hours).
    RCAs when in a leave-earning status and serving auxiliary routes. 1 hour.
    Auxiliary rural carriers. 1 hour.
    Triweekly rural carriers. (See 512.54.)

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    512.512 Holidays

    Leave cannot be charged for national legal holidays, days designated as holidays, or absences authorized by administrative order.

    Exception: If an employee shown to be eligible in 434.422 elects to receive annual leave credit in lieu of holiday leave pay (see 512.65), annual leave may be charged to supplement work hours, up to the limit of the employee's regular work schedule, on the holiday worked.

    512.513 Leave for Postmasters and Installation Heads

    These employees must (a) promptly report emergency or planned absences exceeding 5 working days to their postal managers and (b) maintain accurate records of their leave.

    512.514 Rural Carriers (Regular and Substitute)

    See 512.53 and 512.55.

    512.52 Part-Time Employees
    512.521 Minimum Unit Charge

    Minimum unit charges for part-time employees are as follows:

    Employee Category Minimum Unit Charge
    All part-time nonexempt employees. One-hundredth of an hour (0.01 hour).
    Part-time exempt employees. (See 519.)

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    512.522 Part-Time Regular

    A part-time regular employee who is granted annual leave and performs service on the same day is not allowed to take more leave hours than would total 8 hours when combined with workhours.

    512.523 Part-Time Flexible

    The following provisions concern part-time flexible employees:

    a. A part-time flexible employee who has been credited with 40 hours or more of paid service (work, leave, or a combination of work and leave) in a service week is not granted paid annual or sick leave during the remainder of that service week. Absences in such cases are treated as nonduty time, not chargeable to paid leave of any kind. Supervisors should avoid granting leave resulting in the requirement for overtime pay.

    b. Part-time flexible employees who request leave on days that they are scheduled to work, except legal holidays, may be granted leave provided they can be spared. The combination of leave and workhours charged to these employees cannot exceed 8 hours on any one day. The installation head may also consider a request for annual leave on any day a part-time flexible employee is not scheduled to work. The 40 hours paid service in a service week specified in 512.523a may not be exceeded.

    512.524 A-E Postmasters

    The following provisions concern A-E postmasters:

    a. Maximum Leave. Annual leave may not exceed the scheduled service hours for the day on which the leave is taken.

    b. Saturday Absences. A-E postmasters work a 6-day week. Absence on Saturday that occurs within or at the beginning or end of a period of annual leave or sick leave is not charged to such leave, nor is there loss of compensation provided either of the following is true:

    (1) There are 5 or more days of annual or sick leave within the period.

    (2) There are 4 or more days of annual or sick leave plus a holiday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday that is a scheduled workday, absence on the preceding Friday is not charged to leave. If the leave period is for less than 4 days, absence on Friday is charged to leave.

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    512.53 Regular Rural Carriers
    512.531 General

    Annual leave is earned by a regular rural carrier in accordance with 512.311 and the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement. It is taken in minimum units of 1 day (8 hours) provided a leave replacement is available.

    512.532 Saturday Absences

    Rules for approved absences of regular rural carriers, substitute rural carriers, or RCAs in a leave-earning status are subject to the specific conditions of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement. Accordingly, the following apply:

    a. Absence on Saturday that occurs within or at the beginning or end of a period of annual leave or sick leave is not charged to such leave, nor is there loss of compensation provided the appropriate leave balance on the PS Form 1223-A, Earnings Statement, reflects at least 6 days of leave and either of the following is true:

    (1) There are more than 5 days of annual or sick leave within the period.

    (2) There are more than 4 days of annual or sick leave plus a holiday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday that is a scheduled workday, absence on the preceding Friday is not charged to leave. If the leave period is 4 days or less, absence on Friday is charged to leave.

    b. Interruption during the approved period of annual or sick leave by 1 day of court leave due to circumstances beyond the carrier's control does not disqualify the carrier for coverage as provided above.

    c. Upon request, a rural carrier is granted annual leave or LWOP on Saturday, at the carrier's option, provided a replacement is available.

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    512.54 Triweekly Rural Carriers
    512.541 Week's Absence

    Carriers who are absent for a week on sick or annual leave are charged with 5 days' leave.

    512.542 Absences Less Than a Week

    Carriers who are absent for less than a week at a time are charged with 2 days' leave for each workday of absence.

    512.543 Leave Carryover

    The carrier may end the year with 1 day of unused annual leave. This day may be carried forward into another leave year provided the total carried forward does not exceed 55 days, except as provided in 512.321.

    512.55 Leave Replacements for Rural Carriers
    512.551 General

    After a rural carrier or RCA has been assigned to and served in excess of 90 days in a vacant route or in a route from which a rural carrier is on extended leave, or after an RCA has been assigned to and served in excess of 90 days in an auxiliary route, he or she may take the accrued annual leave. Annual leave is granted in accordance with normal leave requirements and the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement. It is granted in minimum units of 1 day for regular routes or 1 hour for auxiliary routes provided a leave replacement is available.

    512.552 Ninety-Day Qualifying Period

    Substitute carriers and RCAs qualify for taking leave after being assigned as the primary leave replacement and serving in excess of 90 days in (a) a vacant route or (b) a route from which the rural carrier is on extended leave. RCAs also qualify for taking leave after being assigned to and serving an auxiliary route in excess of 90 days. A break in service of 1 or more workdays breaks continuity of employment, and the substitute carrier or RCA must begin a new 90-day qualifying period. Normally a break in service occurs only when the regular carrier returns or when the vacant route is filled by the appointment of a new regular rural carrier. A break in service does not mean absence from the route on a nonscheduled workday or absence in approved leave status, including LWOP. The first day of the pay period following 90 days of service, the substitute carrier or RCA is credited with annual leave accrued for the 90-day qualifying period. (In determining the employee's leave category, credit is also given for prior service as a substitute rural carrier or RCA.)

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    512.553 Lump Sum Payment

    When regular rural carriers return to duty, substitute replacement carriers who earn leave are given lump sum payments for the annual leave to their credit if they have been in a leave-earning capacity. The lump sum payment is not made if the substitute replacement carrier is converted to a career position without a break in service and continues to earn leave.

    512.56 Auxiliary Rural Carriers

    Auxiliary rural carriers earn leave based on the number of hours worked and in accordance with the appropriate leave category. Leave is credited as earned. These carriers are granted leave in increments of 1 hour.

    512.6 Vacation Planning and Special Programs

    512.61 Bargaining Unit Employees Vacation Planning

    For these employees, leave is subject to specific vacation planning provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements. Note also:

    a. For all regular employees, both full-time and part-time, vacation leave is granted when requested to the extent practicable.

    b. For part-time flexible employees, vacation planning is limited to accumulated and accrued leave.

    512.62 Nonbargaining Unit Employees Vacation Planning

    Vacation leave is granted to these employees when their services can best be spared. Postmasters and other responsible officials must schedule leave so that (a) employees do not forfeit leave and (b) postal operations are not impaired.

    512.63 Annual Leave Exchange
    512.631 General

    The annual leave exchange program provides eligible employees with the opportunity to receive cash in exchange for leave that they will earn during the next leave year. Accumulated leave and leave accrued during the current leave year cannot be exchanged under this program. The terms and conditions for exchanging leave vary for bargaining unit and nonbargaining unit employees and are explained in the instructions mailed to eligible employees before the open season November 15 through December 15 each year.

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    512.632 Bargaining Unit Annual Leave Exchange

    Certain national collective bargaining agreements provide a leave exchange option for covered employees. Eligibility and the other terms and conditions for this option are set forth in the applicable collective bargaining agreements and information related to administering the program.

    512.633 Nonbargaining Unit Annual Leave Exchange

    Career employees permanently assigned to a nonbargaining unit position are provided the option at the end of the calendar year to exchange for cash a given number of hours of the annual leave they would otherwise earn during the next leave year. The minimum and maximum number of hours allowed each year, as well as the leave balance the employee must have at the end of the leave year in which the election is made, and any other requirements, are determined by consultation with Postal Service management associations and specified in information related to administering the program.

    512.634 Processing Annual Leave Exchange Options

    Open season for the annual leave exchange program runs from November 15 to December 15 each year. Eligible employees are notified of the election before the open season. The exchange is effective the first full pay period of the new leave year.

    Note: Postal employees may not exchange leave already earned that exceeds the Postal Service leave carryover limit due to Internal Revenue Service "constructive receipt" regulations.

    512.64 Annual Leave Sharing

    The annual leave-sharing program provides employees the opportunity to receive and use donated annual leave and to donate their annual leave to another employee under certain conditions. The program is limited to career nonbargaining unit and bargaining unit employees and to noncareer employees designated as transitional employees (TEs) under certain collective bargaining agreements. The terms and conditions for this program are set forth in applicable collective bargaining unit agreements and memorandums of understanding. Instructions for administration of the terms and conditions are found in Management Instruction EL-510-2003-2, Annual Leave Sharing Program.

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    512.65 Annual Leave Credit in Lieu of Holiday Leave Pay

    Employees shown to be eligible in 434.422 who work a holiday may elect to receive annual leave credit in lieu of holiday leave pay. If they do so and then work only a partial day, they may use LWOP, annual leave, or sick leave (if they become ill during their scheduled tour) to supplement work hours, up to the limit of their regular work schedule, on the holiday worked.

    512.7 Separation Adjustments

    512.71 Terminal Leave Worksheet

    If an employee is not transferring to another federal agency and is separating from the Postal Service, the Eagan ASC furnishes the separating installation with PS Form 2246, Terminal Leave Worksheet, for filing in the employee's official personnel folder. (For transfers to other federal agencies, see 512.8.)

    512.72 Collection for Unearned Leave
    512.721 Refund

    Separating employees who are indebted for unearned annual leave or sick leave must refund the amount paid to them for such unearned leave. If employees do not make refunds, deductions are made from any funds that are due them.

    512.722 Exception

    Collection is not required in cases of death or in the case of separation due to a disability that prevents an employee from returning to duty or continuing in the Postal Service.

    512.73 Lump Sum Terminal Leave Payment
    512.731 General

    Separating employees may receive lump sum terminal leave payments subject to the following conditions:

    a. Completion of Qualifying Period. Except for those employees identified under 512.812, employees who separate before completing the 90-day qualifying period forfeit terminal leave payment for accrued leave. Employees who complete the 90-day qualifying period, even if separated at the close of business on day 90, may be entitled to terminal leave payment for accrued leave.

    b. Completion of Pay Period. Employees whose separation is effective before the last Friday of a pay period do not receive leave credit or terminal leave payment for the leave that would have accrued during that pay period.

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    512.732 Entitlement Amounts

    Separating employees may receive lump sum terminal leave payments as follows:

    a. Nonbargaining Unit Employees. Nonbargaining unit employees may receive a lump sum leave payment for accumulated annual leave carried over from the previous year; accrued annual leave for the year in which they separate, including amounts over the carryover maximum; any unused donated leave; and for full-time and part-time regular employees, holidays that fall within the terminal leave period.

    b. Bargaining Unit Employee. Bargaining unit employees may receive a lump sum leave payment:

    (1) If separating other than under the Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA), for accumulated annual leave carried over from the previous year; accrued annual leave for the year in which they separate, up to the carryover maximum for their bargaining unit (see 512.32); any unused donated leave; and for full-time and part-time regular employees, holidays that fall within the terminal leave period. Any part of the unused annual leave earned during the leave year of separation that is in excess of the maximum carryover amount is granted prior to separation rather than paid out in the form of a lump sum payment. No payment is made for unused leave that the employee would have been required to forfeit at the end of the leave year.

    (2) If separating under VERA, for accumulated annual leave carried over from the previous year; accrued annual leave for the year in which they separate, including amounts over the carryover maximum for their bargaining unit; any unused donated leave; and for full-time and part-time regular employees, holidays that fall within the terminal leave period.

    Note: Transitional employees receive payment for accrued annual leave at the end of their appointment.

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    512.733 Separation for Military Service

    Employees who separate to enter active U.S. military duty may choose to receive a lump sum leave payment or to have their accrued annual leave balance held for credit until they return to Postal Service duty.

    512.734 Separation Followed by Reemployment

    Employees who receive a lump sum leave payment on separation from a Postal Service position (or a federal position under the federal leave system) and who are reemployed or reinstated to a leave-earning status before the period covered by the payment expires must refund to the Postal Service in full the payment for the overlapping period. These employees may then be recredited (see 512.9) with leave.

    512.735 Absence of Relationship to Annuity Payment

    Lump sum payment for annual leave at the time of retirement does not affect the amount or commencement date of annuity payments.

    512.736 Payment to Beneficiaries or Estates of Employees Who Die in Service

    If employees die in service, terminal leave payments are made as follows:

    a. The beneficiaries or estates of nonbargaining unit employees receive terminal leave payments that are the same as the payments to which the employees would have been entitled if they had separated while living (see 512.732a).

    b. The beneficiaries or estates of bargaining unit employees receive terminal leave payments that are the same as the payments to which the employees would have been entitled if they had separated while living (see 512.732b(1)) with the provision that the amount includes payment for accrued annual leave in excess of the maximum carryover amount that the employees could have taken if they had lived to the end of the leave year, but not for accrued annual leave that the employees would have been required to forfeit.

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    512.8 Transfers

    512.81 Transfer Without a Break in Service
    512.811 From the Postal Service to a Federal Agency

    The Eagan ASC furnishes the agency gaining the employee with SF 1150. (A copy of SF 1150 is not sent to the losing installation.) When necessary, the Postal Service collects for used but unearned leave (see 512.721). When the receiving agency is unable to transfer a leave balance in excess of its leave carryover limit, the employee receives a lump sum payment for earned annual leave that cannot be transferred. The lump sum is calculated by multiplying the person's postal hourly rate times the number of earned annual leave hours that cannot be transferred.

    512.812 From a Federal Agency to the Postal Service

    Leave credit must be transferred to the employee's leave account. However, leave that may be transferred is limited to the leave carryover limit applicable to the Postal Service position to be filled. The employee should not have to take LWOP because of delay in transferring leave:

    a. If the SF 1150 does not reach the Eagan ASC before the employee has to take leave, the Eagan ASC may contact the losing agency to request the employee's leave balance.

    b. If LWOP cannot be avoided, the record can be adjusted when the SF 1150 is received to show paid leave unless the employee requests that the LWOP remain unchanged.

    512.82 Transfer With a Break in Service

    An employee who moves from the Postal Service to another federal agency after a break in service is separated (see 512.7) and later reemployed (see 512.9). Any accumulated leave is not transferred, but is paid for in a lump sum.

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    512.9 Recrediting Annual Leave

    512.91 Policy

    Annual leave that may be recredited consists of leave earned under any of the leave systems merged under the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951. However, annual leave that is already forfeited cannot be recredited.

    Annual leave is recredited under the act for:

    a. Employees who are reemployed before the period covered by the lump sum payment expires.

    b. Employees who transferred to a position that is not under an annual leave system and transferred back to the Postal Service without a break in Postal Service service of more than 52 continuous calendar weeks.

    c. Employees who return to pay and duty status following a period of suspension or involuntary separation (i.e., cases of retroactive reversals of disciplinary action).

    512.92 Procedures
    512.921 Leave Earned in Prior Service in the Postal Service

    See 512.734.

    512.922 Leave Earned at Another Agency

    When an employee makes application for recredit of leave earned in another agency, the Postal Service contacts the other agency to determine if leave was forfeited at the time of separation. If not, the agency is asked to certify the leave account. The following applies:

    a. If the agency cannot find the leave record, the Postal Service will accept a statement or other evidence of leave credits. The statement should include an estimate of leave credit and reflect the factors forming the basis of the estimate.

    b. If the leave record or statement justifies it, the amount of leave shown is recredited.

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    512.923 Leave Buy-Back - OWCP

    The following provisions concern leave buy-back:

    a. Under the provisions of the Injury Compensation Program, current employees may be permitted to buy back sick and annual leave they used while awaiting adjudication of their cases by OWCP. In traumatic injury cases, employees may be permitted to buy back only the leave that is used after the end of the 45-day continuation-of-pay period.

    b. When the employee buys back annual leave for a previous year that exceeds the applicable maximum (see 512.32), the excessive leave is automatically forfeited. Employees are allowed to buy back only those hours that can be carried forward.

    c. Some loss of leave may occur when the period of absence is changed to an LWOP status as a result of leave buy-back. For every 80 hours of paid leave bought back and changed to LWOP, both annual and sick leave are adjusted by the amount earned in 1 pay period. The employee must be informed of this so there will be no misunderstanding.

    See Exhibit 514.4, item e, for further information.

    ELM revision: Use of Leave on a Worked Holiday -Effective January 20, 2005, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 510, Leave, is revised to clarify how leave without pay (LWOP), annual leave, and sick leave can be used when an eligible employee elects annual leave credit in lieu of holiday leave pay and then works a partial day. These changes are pursuant to the changes recently made to ELM 434.4, Holiday Leave Pay, and announced in Postal Bulletin 22126 (5-13-04, pages 24-26).

    Christmas Holiday Facts, By Bill Lewis ( December 10, 2008)
    The following Christmas Holiday facts are for APWU members and the information contained in the article is from the APWU Collective Bargaining Agreement. I would like to share with everyone the questions and my responses to many questions relating to the upcoming Christmas Holiday.

    When is my Holiday? This year Christmas Day, December 25, 2008, falls on a Thursday.  If Thursday is your normally scheduled workday then your holiday will be observed on Thursday, December 25. If Thursday is your non-scheduled day then your holiday will be Wednesday, December 24 and if Wednesday and Thursday are your non-scheduled days then your holiday is Tuesday, December 23.

    The 3-day holiday period for Christmas is December 23, 24 & 25. The holiday schedule must be posted by December 16, 2008. This posting is mandated by article 11.6.A. The Employer will determine the number and categories of employees needed for holiday work and a schedule shall be posted as of the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls.

    Do I get paid time and one half if my holiday is other then Thursday? All full time /part time regular employees who work on the Christmas Holiday or the designated holiday will receive one and one half times (1 1/2) the base hourly straight time rate for each hour worked. A part-time flexible (ptf) employee, who works on December 25, shall be paid in addition to the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate, one-half (l/2) times the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate for each hour worked up to eight (8) hours.

    Do I receive an extra half (½) of day annual leave if I work the holiday? No, if you elect to be credited with annual leave instead of the holiday pay you will be credited with up to 8 hours of annual leave. All this provision of the contract does is allow you to switch the holiday leave pay for annual leave; you still get paid for the holiday work hours.
    Happy Holidays

    Bill Lewis
    Local #1020



    518 Holiday Leave

    518.1 Observed Holidays

    The following 10 days are observed as holidays by the U.S. Postal Service:

    a. New Year's Day January 1.

    b. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday 3rd Monday in January.

    c. Washington's Birthday/Presidents' Day 3rd Monday in February.

    d. Memorial Day Last Monday in May.

    e. Independence Day July 4.

    f. Labor Day 1st Monday in September.

    g. Columbus Day 2nd Monday in October.

    h. Veterans' Day November 11.

    i. Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November.

    j. Christmas Day December 25.

    Note: Administrative leave is not granted for absence on state, local, or religious holidays. To the fullest extent practicable, annual leave or LWOP is granted to employees for observance of their religious holidays.

    518.2 Holidays on Nonscheduled Workdays

    518.21 Saturday

    When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as the holiday.

    518.22 Sunday

    When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is observed as the holiday.

    518.23 Nonscheduled Workday

    When an employee's nonscheduled workday falls on a day observed as a holiday, the employee's scheduled workday preceding the holiday is designated as that employee's holiday.

    518.3 Holidays on Scheduled Workdays

    Holidays falling on an employee's scheduled workday are observed on those days.

    518.4 Eligibility for Holiday Pay

    Annual Leave in Lieu of Holiday Leave Pay

    APWU Represented Employees, Mail Handlers, Postal Police, EAS

    Effective immediately, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 434.4, Holiday Leave Pay, is revised to notify eligible employees that they may elect to receive annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay. This section is also reorganized to improve clarity. The substantive changes appear in 434.412 and 434.422.

    The substantive changes are made necessary by revisions in Article 11, sections 3 and 4, of the national agreement between the Postal Service and the American Postal Workers' Union (APWU), pursuant to the Goldberg Interest Arbitration Award December 18, 2001, as well as by the Memorandum of Understanding between the Postal Service and the APWU, January 29, 2002.

    The changes affect not only clerk and maintenance craft employees, but also employees in several other bargaining units, including the Information Technology/Accounting Service Center and the Operating Services Division, both represented by the APWU, as well as mail handlers, represented by the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and certain nonbargaining employees in the Executive and Administrative Salary schedule

    b. Variations in schedule for holiday observance are as follows:

    (1) If a holiday falls on an eligible employee's regular scheduled workday, including Saturday or Sunday, the employee observes the holiday on that day.

    (2) If a holiday falls on an eligible employee's scheduled nonworkday, the first scheduled day preceding the holiday is designated as the employee's holiday except as provided in 434.411b(3) and 434.421.

    (3) If a holiday falls on a Sunday that is a nonscheduled workday for an eligible employee, Monday is designated as the employee's holiday. However, if Monday is also a nonscheduled workday, then Saturday is designated as the employee's holiday. For postal police officers, see the USPS- PPO Agreement.

    (4) For all full-time postmasters, if a holiday falls on a Saturday that is a nonscheduled workday, the preceding Friday is designated as the postmaster's holiday. Where necessary, additional workhour allowances are authorized for those Post Offices without a senior supervisor to provide relief coverage during the postmaster's absence on holiday leave

    434.412 Application

    On these holidays, eligible employees receive holiday leave pay for the number of hours equal to their regular daily work schedule, not to exceed 8 hours (see 434.421). This holiday pay is instead of other paid leave to which employees might otherwise be entitled on their holiday.

    Eligible employees who work their holiday, at their option, may elect to have their annual leave balance credited with up to 8 hours of annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay (see 434.422). When this option is chosen, the deferred holiday leave pay is subject to all applicable rules for requesting and scheduling annual leave and is combined with annual leave and counted as annual leave for purposes of annual leave carryover (see 512.32).

    Note: Holiday leave pay should not be confused with holiday-worked pay, holiday scheduling premium, or Christmas-worked pay (see 434.5).

    434.421 Eligibility for Holiday Leave Pay

    Eligibility is shown by category on the following chart:

    Employee Category Eligible
    Full-time Yes
    Part-time regular, including A-E postmasters, regularly scheduled to work... Minimum of 5 days (per service week)   Yes
    Part-time regular, including A-E postmasters, regularly scheduled to work...Less than 5 days (per service week) No1
    Part-time flexible No2
    Casual No
    Temporary No
    Transitional No

    1 Unless the holiday falls on their scheduled workday.

    2 Holiday pay is included in the hourly rate.

    To receive holiday leave pay, these employees must be in a pay status either the last scheduled hour before or the first scheduled hour after the holiday or designated holiday.

    However, for an employee on extended LWOP, paid leave for the last scheduled hour before or the first scheduled hour after the holiday or designated holiday is not approved for the purpose of qualifying the employee for holiday pay.

    434.422 Eligibility for Annual Leave in Lieu of Holiday Leave Pay

    Categories of employees eligible for annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay are shown on the following chart:

    Salary Schedule Salary Schedule Acronym Rate Schedule Code (RSC)
    Information Technology/ Accounting Service Centers IT/ASC N
    Postal Service Schedules 1 and 2 (salary tables P and P9) PS-1
    Mail Equipment Shops/Material Distribution Center (salary tables C and C9) MESC-1
    Operating Services Division OSD K
    Mail Handlers MH M
    Executive and Administrative Schedule* EAS E

    * Applies to FLSA-nonexempt employees. Also applies to EAS-23 and below FLSA-exempt employees who receive additional pay (i.e., special exempt) and also choose to substitute an entire 8 hours of holiday leave pay for annual leave.

    Excludes EAS postmasters, officers in charge, postal inspectors, and employees in management development programs.

    434.43 Pay Computation for Holiday Leave Pay

    Provisions concerning pay computation are as follows:

    a. Eligible employees are paid for the holiday at their basic hourly rate for those hours equal to their regular daily working schedule, not to exceed 8 hours. Eligible employees may elect to receive annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay (see 434.412).

    b. Holiday leave pay is in lieu of other paid leave to which an employee might otherwise be entitled on the designated holiday.

    c. Holiday leave pay is payable in addition to compensation for hours actually worked on a designated holiday (see 434.5).

    d. Eligible full-time and part-time regular employees require no specific authorization to be absent from work on a holiday or a designated holiday, unless scheduled to work.

    e. A full-time or part-time regular employee who is scheduled to actually work on a holiday or on a designated holiday, but does not work, is placed in LWOP status and does not receive holiday leave pay, unless the absence is based on an extreme emergency situation and the absence is excused by the employee's supervisor.

    f. Holiday leave paid to an employee who is on a COP status should be recorded as holiday leave and is counted as one of the 45 calendar days of COP for OWCP purposes.

    g. When a full-time employee has partially overcome a compensable disability and is working a partial schedule under the rehabilitation program, holiday leave is payable up to the number of hours in the partial schedule. The remainder of the holiday leave pay is received from OWCP.

    * * * * *

    Postal Bulletin- Compensation,
    Employee Resource Management, 5-13-04

    Mail Handlers Article 11
    Section 11.3 Payment

    A An employee shall receive holiday pay at the employee's base hourly straight time rate for a number of hours equal to the employee's regular daily working schedule, not to exceed eight (8) hours. In addition, as provided for in Section 4 below, employees who work their holiday may, at their option, elect to have their annual leave balance credited with up to eight (8) hours of annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay.

    An eligible employee receives holiday leave pay for the number of hours equal to the employee’s regular daily work schedule, not to exceed (8) hours. Thus, fulltime employees receive eight (8) hours of holiday leave pay. Part-time regular employees scheduled to work a minimum of 5 days per service week are paid for the number of hours in their regular schedule. Part-time regular employees who
    are regularly scheduled to work less than 5 days per service week receive holiday leave pay only if the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday .

    Source: Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Chapter 4, Sections 434.412a and .422.

    B Holiday pay is in lieu of other paid leave to which an employee might otherwise be entitled on the employee's holiday.

    Except as discussed under Section 11.4, holiday leave pay “replaces” other approved paid leave that the employee would otherwise receive on the holiday. For example, employees who would otherwise receive approved sick or annual leave on the employee’s holiday would not have this time charged against their sick and annual leave balance.

    Question: May an employee combine annual or sick leave with holiday leave pay in order to receive additional compensation?

    Answer: No. Holiday leave pay is in lieu of other paid leave to which an employee might otherwise be entitled on a holiday.

    Source: ELM 434.412a.

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