4. The Duration of The Choice Vacation Period(s)
(Item 5) and Determination Of The Maximum
Number Of Employees Who Shall Receive
Leave Each Week During The Choice Vacation
Period (Item 9)
a. The maximum number of days off during
choice vacation is governed by Article 10,
Sections 3.D.1 and D.2 of the 2006 National
b. A choice vacation calendar will be placed on
the employees’ bulletin board no later than
February 1.
c. Choice vacation selections shall be made
by seniority, among all APWU represented
bargaining unit employees.
d. Choice vacation period shall be from April 1
through November 30.
e. February 15, shall be the
employees to submit their request(s) for
choice vacation period(s). If the employee
desires a copy of the approved leave request,
the employee must submit the request in
fi nal date for 5
f. For choice vacation selections only, one (1)
APWU represented bargaining unit employee
will be allowed off each week during the
choice vacation selection period.
g. In order to maintain the ef
operations and to ensure that APWU
represented bargaining unit employees are
afforded maximum opportunity for choice
vacation selections, consistent with Paragraph
4.a above, the APWU and the USPS agree to
bargaining unit employees by utilizing the
following pecking order:
1. Quali
employees at the straight-time rate of pay,
in the installation;
2. APWU bargaining unit employees at
the straight-time rate of pay from other
installations pursuant to the Hub Clerk
MOU, if practical;
3. Postmaster Relief (PMR) from other
installations. Note that PMR usage, in this
instance is for the sole purpose of annual
leave coverage during the choice vacation
period and in this limited circumstance
only, may be utilized to work the window
operations. This agreement cannot be
fi ciency of itsfi ll, if deemed necessary, for vacationingfi ed APWU bargaining unit 6
cited in any forum as a basis for arguing
that the PMR position or PMR work is
within or should be within the bargaining
unit and does not in any way change
the de
Section 419.3, modify the national award
in Case No. Q94C-4Q-C 96081517,
acknowledge the duties assigned are
bargaining unit work nor acknowledge
that the PMR position should be in the
bargaining unit.
h. The installation head/designee shall post the
approved vacation schedule no later than
March 1.
i. Upon request, the installation head/designee
will provide the APWU Regional Coordinator/
designee with a copy of the completed
vacation planning schedule.
fi nition of PMR as outlined in ELM 5. The Determination Of The Beginning Day Of
An Employee’s Vacation Period (Item 6)
The choice vacation period shall start on the
day of the employee’s basic work week pursuant
to Section 10.3.E of the 2006 National Agreement.
Exceptions may be granted by agreement among
the employee, the union representative and the
fi rst 7
6. Whether Employees At Their Option May
Request Two Selections During The Choice
Vacation Period, In Units Of Either 5 Or 10
Days (Item 7)
Employees may request two selections during the
Choice Vacation Period in units of
(10) days or one selection of
pursuant to Section 10.3.D of the 2006 National
Agreement. The total leave approved cannot
exceed the ten or
fi ve (5) and tenfi fteen (15) days,fi fteen days above. 7. Whether Jury Duty And Attendance At National
Or State Conventions Shall Be Charged To The
Choice Vacation Period (Item 8), and Annual
Leave To Attend Union Activities Requested
Prior To Determination Of Choice Vacation
Schedule Is Part Of The Total Choice Vacation
Plan (Item 20)
a. Pursuant to Section 10.3.F of the 2006
National Agreement, an employee who is
called for jury duty during the employee’s
scheduled choice vacation period or who
attends a National, State or Regional
Convention (Assembly) during the choice
vacation period is eligible for another period
provided this does not deprive any other
employee of
vacation and does not interfere with the needs
of the service.
fi rst choice for scheduled 8
b. Annual leave approved to attend other union
activities prior to the granting of Choice
Vacation Period will be charged to the Choice
Vacation Period.
8. The Procedures For Submission Of
Applications For Annual Leave During Other
Than The Choice Vacation Period (Item 12)
The remainder of the employee’s accrued annual
leave may be granted at other times during the
year, as requested by the employee, if approved
by the installation head/designee.
9. Light Duty Assignments (Items 15, 16, 17)