Labor Studies Links
University of Alabama (Birmingham) Center for Labor Education and Research
University of Arkansas (Little Rock) Labor Education Program, Institute for Economic Advancement
California State University (Dominquez Hills)Labor Studies program (part of Interdisciplinary Studies/Program for Adult College Education (IDS/PACE)
City College of San Francisco Labor Studies Department
University of California (Berkeley) Berkeley Labor Center: Institute of Industrial Relations; Institute for Labor and Employment
University of California (Berkeley)Labor Occupational Health Program
Los Angeles Trade Technical Labor Center
University of California (Los Angeles)Center for Labor Research and Education
University of Connecticut (Storrs) Labor Education Center
Florida International University (Miami)Center for Labor Research & Studies
Georgia State University (Atlanta)Labor Studies Program
DePaul University (Chicago)Labor Education Center
University of Illinois (Champaign) Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations
Indiana University (Bloomington) Division of Labor Studies
University of Iowa Center (Iowa City)Center for Human Rights
University of Kentucky (Lexington)Center for Labor Education And Research
George Meany Center for Labor Studies(Silver Spring, MD)
Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)Trade Union Program
University of Massachusetts (Boston)Labor Resource Center
University of Massachusetts (North Dartmouth)Arnold M. Dubin Labor Education Center
University of Massachusetts(Amherst, Boston, Lowell, North Dartmouth)Labor Extension Program
Community College of Baltimore County (Dundalk, MD) Labor Studies Program
Michigan State University (East Lansing) School of Labor & Industrial Relations
Northern Michigan University (Marquette) Labor Education Program
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
Wayne State University (Detroit)Labor Studies Center
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis) Labor Education Service
University of Missouri (Columbia)Labor Education Program
University of Missouri (Kansas City)Institute for Labor Studies
University of Nebraska (Omaha)William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies
Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ)Labor Education Center
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Empire State College, State University of New York (NY)Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies
Queens College, City University of New York (NY)Worker Education Extension Center
Youngstown State University (Youngstown, OH)The Center for Working-Class Studies
University of Oregon (Eugene) Labor Education & Research Center
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana, PA) Center for the Studies of Labor
Pennsylvania State University Department of Labor Studies and Industrial Relations
Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro)Tennessee Center for Labor Management Relations
Evergreen State College (Olympia, WA)Labor Education & Research Center
University of Wisconsin-Extension (Madison)School for Workers
Southern Appalachian Labor Center (Kincaid, WV)
West Virginia University (Morgantown) Institute for Labor Studies Research