DES MOINES, IOWA AREA LOCAL - 44 ALTOONA POST OFFICE 50009 LOCAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING American Postal Workers Union AFL-CIO 2000-2003 ITEM 4 LOCAL LEAVE PROGRAM - The submission deadline for annual leave requests for the current leave year shall be March 15th of the current leave year for the choice vacation period.
- If submitted in triplicate, a copy of the Form 3971 (request for, or notification of absence) shall be dated by the supervisor and signed upon receipt and returned to the employee for record receipt. The second copy shall be returned to the employee approved or disapproved on or before April 1 of the current leave year.
- No annual leave shall be cancelled due to unscheduled absences or anticipated overtime except serious emergency situations. "Emergency" defined in Article 3 of the National Agreement.
ITEM 5 THE DURATION OF THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD - The choice vacation period shall be the 3rd Monday of May through the last Friday of September of the current leave year. It shall also include the week of Thanksgiving and the time from December 24th through January 2nd. (This is from the beginning of the day December 25th through the end of the day January 1st. per memo signed March 18th, 1999)
- Days off and holidays at the beginning and at the end of the vacation period shall be considered as part of the vacation period unless otherwise stipulated by the employee on the leave request. (This section applies only to all bargaining unit employees when requesting leave in units of 5, 10, or 15 days.)
- Jury duty shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.
- Military service shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.
- Attendance at National and State Conventions shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.
- All annual leave granted for the purpose of attending a union activity shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.
ITEM 9 DETERMINATION OF THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WHO SHALL RECEIVE LEAVE EACH WEEK DURING THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD. - The minimum number of bargaining unit employees to receive leave, if applied for, each week during the choice vacation period, will be 20% (twenty percent) in each craft.
- Any percentage rate of .5 or greater, will be rounded off to the next whole number.
ITEM 11 NOTIFICATION OF THE NEW LEAVE YEAR - Notification of the submission date deadline for choice vacation period leave must be posted on all bulletin boards by January 15th of the current leave year.
- Notification of the beginning of the new leave year must be posted on all bulletin boards by November 1st.
ITEM 12 ANNUAL LEAVE FOR OTHER THAN CHOICE VACATION PERIOD. Section 1. Determination of the number of employees who shall receive annual leave outside of the choice vacation period. - Under normal circumstances a minimum in each craft of one bargaining unit employee will be granted annual leave when requested by the employee with a minimum of 14 days advance notice. In unusual circumstances, labor-management consultation will occur and an agreement will be reached.
- All annual leave outside the choice vacation period shall be administered on first come, first served basis.
Section 2. The procedure for submission of annual leave outside the choice vacation period. - If a request for annual leave outside of the choice vacation period is submitted in triplicate to the supervisor at least 5 (five) days prior to the requested leave, a determination on that request must be made within 3 (three) working days of the request.
If the determination has not been made in 3 (three) working days of the employee leave request, the leave request will be automatically granted. - For annual leave submissions with less that 5 (five) days prior notification, the supervisor will notify the employee as soon as possible of approval or disapproval, but no later than the time the leave is to begin.
ITEM 13 HOLIDAY SCHEDULING When there is a need to schedule employees on a holiday, management will solicit volunteers by seniority. If this does not provide sufficient volunteers to meet the needs of the service, employees will be forced to work by juniority among those not having worked the last holiday. ITEM 14 OVERTIME When there is a need for overtime, the overtime will be scheduled on a rotating basis by seniority of those who are available. ITEMS 15, 16, & 17 LIGHT DUTY ASSIGNMENTS Light duty assignments will not be made to the detriment of other career employees in the APWU bargaining unit. Light duty assignments will be subject to negotiations at the local level, if the need arises. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes agreement between the Des Moines Iowa Area Local of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the Management of the United States Postal Service at Altoona, Iowa – 50009. This agreement is entered into pursuant to the terms of Article 30 of the National Agreement effective on November 21, 2000, between the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO and the United States Postal Service It is understood that those items currently contained in the previous Local Memorandum of Understanding not in conflict, inconsistent with, or varying the terms of the National Agreement shall remain in effect. Any violation of this Local Memorandum of Understanding becomes subject to the Grievance-Arbitration Procedure. ___________________________ __________________________ R. Dale Sikes Lance A Coles Postmaster, Altoona. IA. President, DMI – APWU ___________________________ _________________________ Date Date