2006 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO DES MOINES BULK MAIL CENTER LOCAL, #7027 AND THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE DES MOINES BULK MAIL CENTER ITEM 1 ADDITIONAL OR LONGER WASH-UP PERIOD Article 8, Section 9, provides reasonable wash?up time for an employee who performs dirty work. Any employee should be granted such time as is reasonable and necessary for washing up after performing dirty work and/or handling toxic material. The amount of wash?up time granted each employee shall be subject to the grievance procedure. ITEM 2 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGULAR WORK WEEK OF FIVE DAYS WITH EITHER FIXED OR ROTATING DAYS OFF A) There shall be a regular five (5) day workweek with fixed consecutive days off for all full-time regular APWU bargaining unit employees. B) There shall be a five (5) day workweek with consecutive days off for all full-time flexible schedule employees, as assigned by management by midnight Tuesday of the preceding service week. ITEM 3 GUIDELINES FOR THE CURTAILMENT OR TERMINATION OF POSTAL OPERATIONS TO CONFORM TO ORDERS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES OR AS LOCAL CONDITIONS WARRANT BECAUSE OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees A. Postal operations will not be curtailed or terminated at the Des Moines Bulk Mail Center unless the Manager determines that conditions so warrant. Such determination shall be reasonable and consideration shall be given to overall conditions, including but not limited to: (1) The safety and health of employees (2) Civil disorders (3) Acts of God (4) Hazardous weather conditions (5) Advice of local authorities (6) Curtailment or termination of public transportation (7) Closing of businesses and other offices and public schools B. Management shall notify the employees at the earliest possible time of curtailment or termination of postal operations. Such notification shall be available by public media, such as TV, radio, or other available means. C. In these instances where operations are curtailed or terminated, as set forth above, the employer shall apply the U.S. Postal Service administrative leave policy. D. All possible consideration shall be given to the recommendation of the A.P.W.U. Local Union. ITEM 4 FORMULATION OF LOCAL LEAVE PROGRAM Section 1. Leave Granted by Seniority The granting of annual leave for the choice vacation period: A. Annual leave for the choice vacation period shall be granted on a craft seniority basis, by tour and unit, as defined in Item 9. B. The submission deadline for annual leave requests for the choice vacation period for the current leave year shall be March 15th. These submissions must be in accordance with Item 7. C. A choice vacation schedule based on submissions by March 15th will be posted by March 30th. D. Employees may submit annual leave requests for unfilled weeks in the choice vacation period from April 1st through April 10th. These submissions must be in accordance with Item 7. E. The final choice vacation schedule will be posted by April 21st. F. Requests for incidental leave during the choice vacation period, submitted prior to April 10th, shall be held until completion of the final choice vacation schedule, then acted upon based on seniority. G. To the maximum extent possible, approved annual leave for the choice vacation period shall be transferable when an employee is assigned within the installation. This shall also apply to unassigned and detailed employees. H. Employees becoming ill while on annual leave during the choice vacation period may, upon request, have that period of annual leave charged as sick leave, and shall be granted the opportunity to select an equal amount of leave within the choice vacation period provided the alternate selection does not bump a fellow employee. Section 2. Leave Granted ? First Come, First Served (Incidental Annual Leave) Additional annual leave, above and beyond that previously scheduled for the choice vacation period and requested after the submission deadline of April 10th, shall be considered as follows: (1) Clerk Craft and Motor Vehicle Craft ? First come, first served by tour and department. (2) Maintenance Craft ? First come, first served, by tour and within each unit, as defined in Item 9. A request for incidental annual leave submitted by an employee of a section as defined in Item 9 will be granted, using 14% of the full-time regular employees scheduled on any one day as the maximum, provided the request is submitted at least 4 calendar days in advance. All pre-scheduled leaves are to be included in the 14%. Management must act on a submitted PS?3971 within two (2) working days of submission. ITEM 5 THE DURATION OF THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD The choice vacation period shall consist of 2 (two) periods. The first period will commence on the first Saturday in May and will continue for twenty (20) consecutive weeks. The second period will consist of the final 2 (two) service weeks in November. ITEM 6 THE DETERMINATION OF THE BEGINNING DAY OF AN EMPLOYEE'S VACATION PERIOD The beginning of an employee's vacation will be the first day of the employee's basic work week. Exceptions may be granted by agreement between the employee and the employer. The selection will be counted in the service week in which the majority of the hours fall. ITEM 7 WHETHER EMPLOYEE'S AT THEIR OPTION MAY REQUEST TWO SELECTIONS DURING THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD, IN UNITS OF EITHER FIVE (5) OR TEN (10) DAYS All A.P.W.U. bargaining Unit employees may, at their option, request two (2) selections during the choice vacation period as follows: A. Employees who earn thirteen (13) days of annual leave per year may request two (2) selections in units of five (5) continuous working days each, or one (1) unit of ten (10) continuous working days. The total selection shall not exceed ten (10) working days. B. Employees who earn twenty (20) or twenty?six (26) days of annual leave per year may request two (2) selections consisting of either one (1) unit of five (5) continuous working days and one (1) unit of ten (10) continuous working days, or two (2) units of five (5) continuous working days each, or one (1) unit of fifteen (15) continuous working days. The total selection shall not exceed fifteen (15) continuous working days. ITEM 8 WHETHER JURY DUTY AND ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL OR STATE CONVENTIONS SHALL BE CHARGED TO THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees A. Jury duty shall not be charged to the choice vacation period. B. Attendance at National and State Conventions shall not be charged to the choice vacation period. ITEM 9 DETERMINATION OF THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WHO SHALL RECEIVE LEAVE EACH WEEK DURING THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD A. The maximum number of employees allowed leave each week, per tour shall be 15 percent of the authorized positions of each of the following units with a minimum of one. (1) Primary Distribution Clerks Secondary Distribution Clerks 115 Transit Iowa Clerks Raven (LIPS) Sorter SPBS (2) Custodial Group Leaders (SP6-58) Custodians (SP6-13) (3) M.P.E.'s (SP6?64) (4) Maintenance Mechanic, PS 5 (SP 6086) Maintenance Mechanic, PS 6 (SP 6087) (5) Maintenance Support Clerks (SP 6089) (6) Electronic Technicians (SP 6088) (7) Bulk Mail Dock Clerks (SP2?615) Bulk Mail Technicians (SP2?387) (8) Secretary ? Stenographers (SP2?540) Secretary ? Typists (SP2?546) (9) General Clerks (SP2?45) Procurement, Property & Supply Assistant (SP2?346) Time & Attendance Clerks (SP1?29) Data Collection Technicians B. Fifteen (15) percent of the following units per week of the choice vacation period with a minimum of one (1): (1) Vehicle Operations Assistants (SP5-66) (2) Tractor?Trailer Operators (SP5?22) C. Any fraction of .5 or greater will be rounded to the next higher whole number. D. Greater numbers may be authorized by supervision in order to conform with Article 10 of the National Agreement. ITEM 10 THE ISSUANCE OF OFFICIAL NOTICES TO EACH EMPLOYEE OF THE VACATION SCHEDULE APPROVED FOR SUCH EMPLOYEE A copy of the approved Form 3971, if submitted in duplicate, shall be returned to the employee. Approved vacation schedules shall be posted on official bulletin boards in accordance with Item 4, Section 1?c and 1?e. ITEM 11 DETERMINATION OF THE DATE AND MEANS OF NOTIFYING EMPLOYEES OF THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW LEAVE YEAR The employer shall, no later than October 15th, publicize on bulletin boards and order books the beginning date of the new leave year, which shall begin with the first day of the first full pay period of the calendar year. ITEM 12 THE PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICANTS FOR ANNUAL LEAVE DURING OTHER THAN THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD A. Annual leave for other than the choice vacation period, as defined in Item 5, except as provided in Item 12.B (below) shall be given consideration as follows: (1) Clerk Craft and Motor Vehicle Craft ? First?come, first?served by tour and within each department. (2) Maintenance Craft ? First?come, first?served, by tour and within each unit as defined in Item 9. B. Annual leave requests for the weeks that include the Christmas and New Year’s holidays submitted by October 1st shall be considered based on seniority, provided; (1) The annual leave request is for 32 hours or more, and (2) The employee maintains sufficient annual leave to cover the leave request. Failure to maintain sufficient annual leave balance will cause forfeiture of the request. Management must act on a submitted PS?Form 3971 within two (2) working days of submission ITEM 13 THE METHOD OF SELECTING EMPLOYEES TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY Section 1. Two weeks prior to the Tuesday preceding the service week in which a holiday falls, management shall post, by tour, within each pay location, a notice soliciting volunteers to work during the three (3) day holiday period. Said notice shall remain posted for ten (10) calendar days. Employees volunteering to work during the holiday period must sign said notice during the ten (10) day period. An employee may remove his/her name from the posting at any time prior to the closing of the sign?up period. Section 2. A. Holidays at the beginning, during or at the end of an employee's choice vacation period shall be considered as part of said choice vacation period unless otherwise stipulated, by the employee, on the PS Form 3971. B. An employee may request that his/her holiday be considered as part of an annual leave request of 32 hours or more. Requests of less than 32 hours may be approved providing approval does not require the involuntary scheduling of a senior full?time regular employee to work on his/her holiday or designated holiday. Said request must be in writing on a PS Form 3971. C. If an employee cancels any annual leave resulting in less than 32 hours being used, the employee will be subject to working his/her holiday in compliance with Item 13, Section 3. An employee will not be permitted to cancel a leave request including a holiday, after the holiday schedule is posted. Section 3. The following method will be used to select employees to work on a holiday: A. Casual employees, even if the payment of overtime is required. B. Part?time flexible employees, even if the payment of overtime is required. C. Full-time employees then part-time regular schedule employees who have volunteered to work during the three (3) day holiday period. Selection will be by craft seniority. D. Transitional employees, even if the payment of overtime is required. E. Part?time regular scheduled and then full?time employees who have not volunteered to work and who will be working on what would otherwise be their scheduled workday. Selection will be by craft juniority. F. Part?time regular scheduled and then full?time employees who have not volunteered to work and who will be working on what would otherwise be their scheduled day off. Selection will be by craft juniority. ITEM 14 WHETHER "OVERTIME DESIRED" LIST IN ARTICLE 8 SHALL BE BY SECTION AND/OR TOUR A. Overtime Desired Lists for the Clerk Craft and Motor Vehicle Craft shall be by craft and tour, within each group defined in Item 9. B. Overtime Desired Lists for the Maintenance Craft shall be by tour ? within each occupational group and level. C. All Overtime Desired Lists shall be administered in the following order: 1) Management will maintain separate Overtime Desired Lists (ODL) on each tour for employees desiring to work their normally scheduled days and those desiring to work their Scheduled Days Off (SDO). 2) Employees may volunteer on either list, or both.
D. If the ODL does not provide sufficient personnel, Clerk Craft employees not on the ODL who have signed a “Daily Overtime Volunteers” list (posted in each work area before the end of the 2nd window on each tour), shall be scheduled by seniority (no rotation). E. EAS detailed employees on the ODL may be scheduled for overtime only after all available ODL employees and daily volunteers have been scheduled. Their inclusion is supplemental to, and therefore has no effect on the rotation schedule. F. When scheduling overtime for the next day, management will attempt to contact absent ODL employees between 12:00 and 14:00 on Tour 2 and between 23:30 and 01:30 on Tour 3, except where employees have indicated, in writing, they do not want to be contacted at home. The individual placing the calls will be responsible for recording individuals called, date, time and whether contact was made. G. Employees may contact management during those same hours to establish availability. H. In the event of a change from one tour to another, or upon conversion to full time, employees desiring to work overtime shall have up to ten (10) calendar days to sign the Overtime Desired List. ITEM 15 THE NUMBER OF LIGHT DUTY ASSIGNMENTS WITHIN EACH CRAFT OR OCCUPATIONAL GROUP TO BE RESERVED FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT LIGHT DUTY ASSIGNMENT The number of light duty assignments reserved for the APWU Crafts shall be as follows: Clerk Craft ? The number reserved shall be three (3) on tour 2, and one (1) on tour 3. Maintenance ? The number reserved shall be 1 on each tour. Motor Vehicle – The number reserved shall be one (1).
The assignment to these positions shall be based upon the employee’s medical restrictions. Additional light duty assignments shall be provided on an as needed basis under the terms of Article 13. ITEM 16 THE METHOD TO BE USED IN RESERVING LIGHT DUTY ASSIGNMENTS SO THAT NO REGULARLY ASSIGNED MEMBER OF THE REGULAR WORK FORCE WILL BE ADVERSELY AFFECTED A. Light duty assignments shall not be to the detriment of full?time or part?time regular employees. B. Any employee may be assigned light duty in another craft only after all possible areas for light duty have been exhausted in their own craft. In no case will regular employees be denied preferred hours or tour of duty because of light duty assignments. C. If it is proposed to assign any employee to a light duty assignment in a craft other than that of their permanent assignment, the President of the local union shall be consulted, and to the maximum extent possible, the union's recommendation shall be followed. ITEM 17 THE IDENTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENTS THAT ARE TO BE CONSIDERED LIGHT DUTY WITHIN EACH CRAFT REPRESENTED IN THE OFFICE On all tours, light duty assignments shall comprise, but not be limited to the following types of work: A. CLERK CRAFT (1) Circs Keying/Facing ? Secondary (2) Non?Zip CRT ? Parcels (3) Minor Rewrap in Primary, Secondary and Operation 115 (4) General Office/Clerical/Label Clerk Duties B. MAINTENANCE CRAFT (1) General Office/Clerical (2) General Maintenance Control (3) Storeroom (4) Shop Work C. MOTOR VEHICLE (1) Vehicle Operations Assistant (2) General Office/Clerical Duties ITEM 18 THE IDENTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENTS COMPRISING A SECTION WHEN IT IS PROPOSED TO REASSIGN WITHIN AN INSTALLATION, EMPLOYEES EXCESS TO THE NEEDS OF A SECTION Sections, for the purpose of this item will be defined by respective tour as follows: A. Maintenance Craft (1) MPE Mechanic (2) Maintenance Mechanic, PS 4 (3) Maintenance Mechanic, PS 5 (4) Maintenance Mechanic, PS 6 (5) Group Leader ? Custodial (6) Custodian (7) Electronic Technician (8) Maintenance Support Clerk, PS 5 (9) Maintenance Support Clerk, PS 6 B. Clerk Craft When it is proposed to excess from one tour to another, the entire tour, within the pay level(s) from which excessing is proposed, shall be considered one (1) section. Otherwise, sections for the purpose of this Item are defined as follows: (1) Distribution Clerk Machine – Secondary (2) Distribution Clerk - Secondary (3) Distribution Clerk Machine – Small Parcel & Bundle Sorter (4) Distribution Clerk – 115 (5) Bulk Mail Dock Clerk (6) General Clerk (7) Secretary – Stenographer/Typist (8) Time and Attendance Clerk (9) Procurement, Property & Supply Assistant (10) Data Collection Technician C. Motor Vehicle Craft (1) Tractor Trailer Operator (2) Vehicle Operations Assistant D. A section shall be the same as the principle duty assignment area, in accordance with the National Agreement. Any additions to the foregoing must be negotiated as per section. ITEM 19 THE ASSIGNMENT OF EMPLOYEE PARKING SPACES To the maximum extent possible, all parking spaces shall be on a "first come, first served" basis. ITEM 20 THE DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHER ANNUAL LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION ACTIVITIES REQUESTED PRIOR TODETERMINATION OF THE CHOICE VACATION SCHEDULE IS TO BE PART OF THE TOTAL CHOICE VACATION PLAN All APWU Bargaining Unit Employees: Annual leave and/or LWOP to attend Union activities requested prior to the determination of the choice vacation schedule shall not be part of the total vacation plan. ITEM 21 THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO LOCAL NEGOTIATIONS AS PROVIDED IN THE CRAFT PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT A. The determination of what constitutes a sufficient change to cause an assignment to be re-posted. (1) All APWU Bargaining Unit Employees (a) A major change from the original posting shall be sufficient reason for reposting an assignment. What constitutes a major change will be subject to mutual agreement between Management and the Union. (b) Failure to reach an agreement will cause the bid to be reposted. (2) All APWU Bargaining Unit Employees (a) A change in starting time from the original posting, that does not exceed two hours, or cumulative changes that do not exceed two hours shall be sufficient reason for the reposting of an assignment except that the incumbent shall have the option of accepting the new starting time. If the incumbent accepts the new starting time, the assignment will not be reposted. (b) Any change, or cumulative changes, in start time from the original posting exceeding two (2) hours shall cause the assignment to be reposted unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. B. The length of time duty assignments must be posted for bid. (1) Clerk Craft - The notice shall remain posted for ten (10) days. (2) Motor Vehicle Craft - The notice shall remain posted for ten (10) days. C. The length of time during which a successful bidder must be placed in the new assignment All APWU Bargaining Unit Employees The successful bidder must be placed in the new assignment within fourteen (14) days after the successful bidder is determined, except during the month of December. ITEM 22 LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS AGREEMENT RELATING TO SENIORITY, REASSIGNMENTS AND POSTING Copies of all APWU bids and successful bidders shall be sent to the APWU Local. Management shall post APWU Craft seniority lists on official bulletin boards quarterly with copies sent to the APWU Local. ADDENDUM To 2006 LMOU It is agreed that Local 7027 will continue to be notified of changes involving APWU Bargaining Unit personnel including, but not limited to, those items listed on page 325 of the 2000-2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is agreed that where the Local Memorandum of Understanding makes reference to “Craft Seniority” such reference is defined as: Total, continuous service in the same craft and installation (e.g. 1 year Custodial/Laborer + 5 years MPE + 4 years ET = 10 years Craft Seniority). ADDENDUM To 2006 LMOU It is agreed that Local 7027 will continue to be notified of changes involving APWU Bargaining Unit personnel including, but not limited to, those items listed on page 325 of the 2000-2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is agreed that where the Local Memorandum of Understanding makes reference to “Craft Seniority” such reference is defined as: Total, continuous service in the same craft and installation (e.g. 1 year Custodial/Laborer + 5 years MPE + 4 years ET = 10 years Craft Seniority).