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  • DMI Area Local
    Updated On: Nov 02, 2011


    DMI LMOU 2011
























    1. This local Memorandum of Understanding entered into to supplement the nationally negotiated Agreement represents and constitutes an Agreement between the Des Moines, Iowa, Post Office and the Des Moines, Iowa Area Local A.P.W.U., called the Organization on personnel policies and practices and working conditions.

    2. The Memorandum of Understanding covers all craft or occupational group employees of this Post Office in units established at the local level for which the Organization has been certified as the exclusive representative. The employee organization represents only those craft or occupational employees in units established at the local level for which the Organization is certified as the exclusive representative.

    3. This Memorandum of Understanding has no force and effect with respect to employees in craft units not represented by the Organization party to this Agreement.


    ITEM 1



    Installation heads shall grant reasonable wash-up time to those employees who perform dirty work or work with toxic materials. The amount of wash-up time granted each employee shall be subject to the grievance procedure.


    ITEM 2



    Section 1. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    A. Non-Work Days.

    1. As far as practicable non-work days shall not be split except as the needs of the service require after meaningful consultation with the Local A.P.W.U.

    2. There shall be a regular five (5) day work week with fixed days off for all full and part-time regular A.P.W.U. bargaining unit employees; "fixed" defined as stated days off as bid.

    3. There shall not be any full or part-time regular A.P.W.U. bargaining unit employees with rotating days off.

    Section 2. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    A. Basic Work Week (Training).

    The basic work week shall be that which each employee has bid, with exception of Tour I employees leaving for and returning from any location of training. Those employees who have bid positions which require them to work Saturday and Sunday shall, at their option, have their basic work week altered to Saturday and Sunday off the first week they are scheduled to begin the course and the week following completion or termination of the course, provided a properly completed request for temporary schedule change for personal convenience is submitted and approved by the Union representative and supervisor, with one copy to each.

    Section 3. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    A. Changes in Basic Work Week.

    Military obligations and jury duty will be sufficient reason for a change in an A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employee’s basic work week, if said employee makes a personal request to do so, as outlined in Item 2, Section 2.A of this Local Memorandum of Understanding.


    ITEM 3



    A. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    1. Postal operations will not be curtailed or terminated at the Post Office, Des Moines P & DC (including AMF and MVS), or District Office, unless the Postmaster, Senior Plant Manager, District Manager, or their designee determines that conditions so warrant. Such determination shall be reasonable and consideration shall be given to overall conditions including but not limited to:

    a. The safety and health of employees.

    b. Civil disorders.

    c. Acts of God.

    d. Hazardous weather conditions.

    e. Advice of local authorities.

    f. Curtailment or termination of public transportation.

    2. Management shall notify the employees at the earliest possible time of curtailment or termination of Postal Operations. Such notification shall be given by public media, such as T.V., radio, or other available means.

    3. In these instances, where operations are curtailed or terminated as set forth above, the employer shall apply the then current pay provisions.

    4. All possible consideration shall be given to the recommendation of the A.P.W.U. Local Union.


    ITEM 4




    Section 1. The procedures for submission of applications for Annual Leave during the Choice Vacation period.

    A. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    The submission deadline for annual leave requests for the current leave year shall be March 15th of the current leave year for the choice vacation period.

    Section 2. Canceled Annual Leave.

    A. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    1. No annual leave shall be canceled due to unscheduled absences or anticipated overtime except serious emergency situations. "Emergency" defined in Article 3 of the 2000 National Agreement.

    Section 3. Granting of Annual Leave.

    A. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    1. All annual leave will be granted by section, by tour, as defined in Item 18 of the Local Memorandum of Understanding.

    Section 4. Turning Back Approved Annual Leave.

    A. Clerk Craft Employees only.

    When one day or more of approved annual leave is turned back 72 hours in advance of the first day of leave, the leave will be offered to other employees in the same section who were previously denied leave during that time period.

    When an employee turns back previous approved annual leave, they must do so 72 hours in advance of the approved leave.




    ITEM 5




    Section 1. All APWU Bargaining Unit Employees.

    The choice vacation period shall be May 1 through September 15 of the current leave year.


    ITEM 6




    A. Days off and holidays at the beginning and at the end of the vacation period shall be considered as part of the vacation period unless otherwise stipulated by the employee on the leave request. This provision applies only to regular employees when requesting leave in units of 5, 10, or 15 days.


    ITEM 7





    Section 1. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.

    A. As per the 2000 National Agreement, depending upon the number of days of annual leave earned, employees may at their option request one (1) or two (2) selections during the choice vacation period as follows:

    1. Employees who earn twenty (20) or twenty-six (26) days of annual leave per year shall be granted a total not to exceed fifteen (15) days during the choice vacation period.

    2. Employees who earn thirteen (13) days of annual leave per year shall be granted a total not to exceed ten (10) days during the choice vacation period.


    ITEM 8


    A. Jury duty shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.

    B. Military Service shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.

    C. Attendance at National and State Conventions shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.

    D. All annual leave granted for the purpose of attending a Union activity shall not be charged to the choice vacation period.


    ITEM 9



    A. The number of APWU bargaining unit employees who must at least receive leave if applied for each week during the choice vacation period must be 10% of each section, of each tour as established by Item 18, except for June, July and August when a maximum of 14% will be allowed leave.

    In sections of less than ten (10) positions, at least one (1) employee must be allowed Annual Leave each week if applied for.

    Any percentage number of .5 or greater will be rounded to the next whole number.

    A greater number should be authorized by the supervisor to assure every employee a vacation as intended by Article 10 of the National Agreement.

    B. The number of employees who shall receive leave each week during the choice vacation period shall be determined by applying the percentages in Paragraph A above to the greater of:

    1. The number of authorized regular positions in the section as of March 15; or

    2. The total number of employees assigned in the section as of March 15. This number of employees to include those with regular bid assignments in the section and part-time regulars, part-time flexibles, unassigned regulars, light & limited duty employees, rehab. employees, etc., excluding those on jury & military schedule changes from another section or tour, who are detailed into the section as of March 15. Such detailed employees would be counted in the area where they are detailed. Such detailed employees nor their bid shall be counted in more than one section.

    C. The formula shall apply to those employees who have submitted choice vacation period leave requests on or before March 15 of the current leave year.


    ITEM 10



    A. If submitted in triplicate, a copy of the Form 3971 (Request for, or Notification of Absence) shall be dated by the supervisor and signed upon receipt and returned to the employee for record receipt. The second copy shall be returned to the employee (who submits said Form 3971 within the proper time limits for choice vacation period) on or before April 8 of the current leave year.

    B. To assure choice vacation, Form 3971 should be submitted for more than one choice. Seniority shall prevail.


    ITEM 11




    A. Notification of the beginning of the new leave year must be posted on all bulletin boards by November 1.

    B. Notification of the submission date deadline for choice vacation period leave must be posted on all bulletin boards by January 15, of the current leave year.


    ITEM 12



    Section 1. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees


    A. If a request for annual leave outside the choice vacation period is submitted in triplicate and handed to the supervisor at least five (5) working days prior to the first day of the requested leave, the third copy of PS Form 3971 shall be signed and dated by the supervisor to show submission by the employee. The second copy of the PS Form 3971 will be returned to the employee upon determination by the supervisor. A determination must be made on such request within two (2) working days of the submission of the request.


    If after the two (2) working day period, no denial or approval of the requested leave is received, the GMF Clerk requesting the leave will submit it to the Manager of Distribution (MDO), who must act upon it within twenty-four (24) hours. At the stations and branches the employee requesting the leave will submit it to the Station Manager, with a copy to the Manager, Customer Service Operations. The Station Manager must act upon it within twenty-four (24) hours upon receipt. District Office employees and Maintenance, Vehicle Service, and Special Delivery employees will submit to the manager in charge of the functional area, who must act upon it within twenty-four (24) hours upon receipt.

    B. Seniority shall prevail outside the choice vacation period for leave beginning after May 1, if the application has been submitted by March 15 of the current leave year.

    C. In addition to the provisions of Item 12.1B, from April 9 through May 1 of the current leave year, employees may submit requests for annual leave for the period between the first day of the following leave year through April 30 of that leave year. These leave requests will be considered on a seniority basis.

    All other annual leave shall be administered on a first come, first served basis.

    D. Eight percent (8%) of the employees in a section shall be allowed to take annual leave for periods outside primetime and outside choice vacation periods. In making this calculation all decimals shall be dropped. Management has the discretion to approve annual leave above this percentage. The parties expressly agree that approval of annual leave above this percentage is discretionary and is not required under this provision.


    ITEM 13



    Section 1. Holidays – Overtime – All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Units

    A. Management shall, two weeks prior to the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls, post a list of the number of employees needed and the skills required in each section as established in Item 18 to establish a list of regular employees desiring to work their non-scheduled day for overtime.

    B. Two (2) weeks prior to Tuesday preceding the service week of the holiday, Management shall post a list of the number of employees needed and the skills required in each section. The list shall remain posted for seven (7) days affording employees the opportunity to volunteer to work the holiday or designated holiday by signing the list. At the request of the Union president, or his/her designee, the Manager, General Mail Facility, or his/her designee shall jointly review APWU holiday schedules prior to final posting. After a holiday schedule has been reviewed, the APWU designee will be given an opportunity to review and initial any changes to the schedule. The Union will be provided a new copy of the schedule. The holiday work list shall be posted not later than one (1) hour prior to the end of tour of the first scheduled employee, in the section, of that tour, the Tuesday preceding the holiday.

    C. When a section has insufficient volunteers to fill holiday needs, volunteers from other sections, possessing the necessary skills, on the same tour will be used on a senior qualified basis provided sufficient volunteers were obtained in the employees bid section.

    Volunteers will not be scheduled for holiday work on other than their scheduled tour, except for relief and pool employees who provide relief coverage on different tours.

    Relief and pool volunteers, who provide coverage on other tours, may be utilized on other tours if all volunteers on that tour are utilized and no one is involuntarily required to work on the tour of the relief and pool employee.

    The previously agreed to format will continue to be used to solicit volunteers. For the Maintenance Craft, the agreed to format is attached as Appendix A.

    ITEM 13 (Continued)





    D. It will be the responsibility of employees on leave to notify their supervisor of their desire to work.

    E. For purposes of holiday scheduling, the parties agree that part-time regulars are a separate category for scheduling purposes under Article 11. Section 6 of the 1994 National Agreement.

    Section 2. Priority for Establishing Holiday Scheduling.

    1. Casual employees.

    2. Part-time flexible employees.

    3. All regular employees who have volunteered to work on their holiday or day designated as their holiday.

    4. All regular employees who have volunteered to work on what would otherwise be their non-scheduled work day.

    5. All regular employees who have not volunteered to work on their holiday, day designated as their holiday or in an overtime status, by juniority.


    ITEM 14


    This language to be utilized in full accord with provisions of Article 8.5, applicable Article 8 Memorandum, of the 2000 National Agreement and any future nationally agreed to modifications.

    Section A.

    Management shall two weeks prior to the start of each calendar quarter establish a list of full-time regular employees desiring to work overtime for that quarter. It will be the responsibility of employees on leave to notify their supervisor if they desire to be on the list. The overtime desired list will be closed at the end of the two week period. Additions and deletions shall be allowed upon confirmed request when an employee changes his/her section and/or tour and Article 8, Section 5.E of the National Agreement shall apply in cases of exceptions to C and D of the National Agreement (e.g., illness, deaths, personal hardships). Part-time flexible employees in all crafts, who are changed to full-time employees during the quarter will be allowed to voluntarily have their name placed on the quarterly overtime desired list in the order of their seniority. This voluntary overtime list shall be established by section, tour, and skills required (Section as defined in Item 18). When during this quarter, the need for overtime arises, the supervisor in the section and the tour requiring the overtime shall inform the employees in his/her section who have placed their names on this list that they shall work overtime. Opportunities to work overtime from this list will be selected by skills required, by seniority, on a rotating basis.

    If this does not produce the required number of employees, those employees with the necessary skills on the same tour as the section requiring the overtime, having placed their names on the list, shall be informed that they shall work overtime. Opportunities to work overtime shall be selected by skills required, by seniority, on a rotating basis.

    If this still does not produce the required number of employees, then non-volunteers may be required to work overtime. Selection of non-volunteers will be made by necessary skills, by inverse seniority, on a rotating basis, selecting first those employees of the section requiring overtime, then employees on the same tour.

    Section B.

    Any employee unable to call home due to required overtime shall be allowed to do so before overtime starts.



    Item 14 (Continued)

    Section C.

    An employee who has been contacted to work overtime and is excused by management and thus does not work overtime, shall be credited as if he did work overtime.


    ITEMS 15, 16 & 17


    Section A.

    Light duty assignments will be considered only after compliance with Article 13 of the National Agreement

    Upon request, the Manager, Safety and Health Services, and the Manager, Labor Relations, will meet with the President, Des Moines, Iowa Local to review temporary light duty assignments. The Union's input will be considered.

    For temporary light duty, the employer will give first consideration to minor modifications of the employee's current duty assignment, provided the work can be efficiently performed within the employee's limitations.

    Light duty for APWU Bargaining Unit Employees will consist of the following:

    1. Clerks:

    A. Outgoing – Outgoing letter section and culling mail, all tours.

    B. Incoming – Incoming letters, federal building, firm cases, state house, box section primary, postage due, culling mail, all tours.

    C. Transit Iowa – Letter circs primary, flat primary and culling letters, all tours.

    D. Culling mail assignments listed above shall be at employee option.

    E. Computer forwarding systems for CFS Clerks.

    2. Maintenance:

    A. Stockroom work – All tours.

    B. Plant Maintenance offices, Maintenance Control – All tours.

    C. Plant Maintenance shop work, All tours.

    3. Motor Vehicle Service:

    A. Clerical duties in MVS Office.



    Items 15, 16 & 17, Section B (Continued)

    Section B. Administration of Light Duty Assignments.

    If the applicant must be assigned light duty in another craft, a representative of the union having exclusive recognition for the gaining craft shall be consulted. In no case will regular employees in the gaining craft be denied preferred hours or tour of duty because an employee has been assigned to light duty in that craft.

    1. Permanent light duty assignments shall be Nixie Section, Postage Due, Box Section Primary, and Sign Shop.

    2. Any employee may be assigned light duty in another craft only after all possible areas for light duty have been exhausted in their own craft. These employees shall be assigned to Tour III unless otherwise stipulated by the attending physician.

    3. All additional permanent light duty assignments shall be the subject of meaningful consultation between the Union and Management as necessitated.


    ITEM 18


    When used in this Local Memorandum of Understanding, tours are defined as follows:

    Tour 1 - Any reporting time between 2000 – 0399

    (8:00 p.m. – 3:59 a.m.)

    Tour 2 - Any reporting time between 0400 – 1199

    (4:00 a.m. – 11:59 a.m.)

    Tour 3 - Any reporting time between 1200 – 1999

    (Noon – 7:59 p.m.)

    For permanent reassignment purposes sections will be identified by tour as follows:


    1. Outgoing Outgoing and Transit Iowa, including letters, flats and newspapers, register room, COD, label clerk, general expediters, card shack clerks, Clerk Messenger.

    2. Incoming Incoming, including letters, flats, newspapers, postage due, one-day station clerk, parcel post, tour superintendent office clerk, nixie, review clerk, revenue protection.

    3. SPBS

    4. Main Office and a. For permanent reassignment, including excessing,

    Stations abolishment and reduction, section definition will be all stations and branches within the jurisdiction of the D. M. Post office including window services, utilities, mark-up, relief & pool, part-tour stations, station distribution, senior mail processor, and SSPC clerks.

    b. For annual leave, overtime and holiday scheduling purposes sections shall be defined as:

    1. Main Office, Capital Square & East Des Moines

    2. Metro Annex

    3. Beaverdale Station

    4. University Station

    5. East Point Retail and Highland Park Station and Eastside Carrier Annex.

    ITEM 18, Section A (Continued)

    6. South Des Moines Station

    7. Pleasant Hill Branch

    8. Urbandale Station

    9. Morgan Street

    10. West Des Moines Station

    11. West Suburban Station

    12. Ash Creek Station

    5. Accounting

    6. Mailing Requirements (a) Mailing Requirements office clerks in one section.

    (b) Acceptance/verification clerks, full-time and relief and pool, BMAU and DMUS.

    7. Truck Terminal Sack sorter, expediter, Meredith Books.

    8. AMF AMF general expeditors, AMF relief and pool clerks, transfer clerks, ramp clerk.

    9. PEDC Training technician.

    10. PSDS Postal source data technician, relief and pool.

    11. ODIS Data collection technician, relief and pool.

    12. C.F.S

    13. Automation Letters located in GMF

    14. MPFSM

    15. Procurement Sign shop, supply clerk, property and supply clerk, clerk-steno, contract technician (District), procurement and material management assistant.

    16a. In-Plant Support Clerk support staff and contract technician (Plant).

    16b. Transportation/Networks


    ITEM 18, Section A (Continued)

























    D. It will be the responsibility of employees on leave to notify their supervisor of their desire to work.

    E. For purposes of holiday scheduling, the parties agree that part-time regulars are a separate category for scheduling purposes under Article 11. Section 6 of the 1994 National Agreement.

    Section 2. Priority for Establishing Holiday Scheduling.

    1. Casual employees.

    2. Part-time flexible employees.

    3. All regular employees who have volunteered to work on their holiday or day designated as their holiday.

    4. All regular employees who have volunteered to work on what would otherwise be their non-scheduled work day.

    5. All regular employees who have not volunteered to work on their holiday, day designated as their holiday or in an overtime status, by juniority.


    ITEM 14


    This language to be utilized in full accord with provisions of Article 8.5, applicable Article 8 Memorandum, of the 2000 National Agreement and any future nationally agreed to modifications.

    Section A.

    Management shall two weeks prior to the start of each calendar quarter establish a list of full-time regular employees desiring to work overtime for that quarter. It will be the responsibility of employees on leave to notify their supervisor if they desire to be on the list. The overtime desired list will be closed at the end of the two week period. Additions and deletions shall be allowed upon confirmed request when an employee changes his/her section and/or tour and Article 8, Section 5.E of the National Agreement shall apply in cases of exceptions to C and D of the National Agreement (e.g., illness, deaths, personal hardships). Part-time flexible employees in all crafts, who are changed to full-time employees during the quarter will be allowed to voluntarily have their name placed on the quarterly overtime desired list in the order of their seniority. This voluntary overtime list shall be established by section, tour, and skills required (Section as defined in Item 18). When during this quarter, the need for overtime arises, the supervisor in the section and the tour requiring the overtime shall inform the employees in his/her section who have placed their names on this list that they shall work overtime. Opportunities to work overtime from this list will be selected by skills required, by seniority, on a rotating basis.

    If this does not produce the required number of employees, those employees with the necessary skills on the same tour as the section requiring the overtime, having placed their names on the list, shall be informed that they shall work overtime. Opportunities to work overtime shall be selected by skills required, by seniority, on a rotating basis.

    If this still does not produce the required number of employees, then non-volunteers may be required to work overtime. Selection of non-volunteers will be made by necessary skills, by inverse seniority, on a rotating basis, selecting first those employees of the section requiring overtime, then employees on the same tour.

    Section B.

    Any employee unable to call home due to required overtime shall be allowed to do so before overtime starts.



    Item 14 (Continued)

    Section C.

    An employee who has been contacted to work overtime and is excused by management and thus does not work overtime, shall be credited as if he did work overtime.


    ITEMS 15, 16 & 17


    Section A.

    Light duty assignments will be considered only after compliance with Article 13 of the National Agreement

    Upon request, the Manager, Safety and Health Services, and the Manager, Labor Relations, will meet with the President, Des Moines, Iowa Local to review temporary light duty assignments. The Union's input will be considered.

    For temporary light duty, the employer will give first consideration to minor modifications of the employee's current duty assignment, provided the work can be efficiently performed within the employee's limitations.

    Light duty for APWU Bargaining Unit Employees will consist of the following:

    1. Clerks:

    A. Outgoing – Outgoing letter section and culling mail, all tours.

    B. Incoming – Incoming letters, federal building, firm cases, state house, box section primary, postage due, culling mail, all tours.

    C. Transit Iowa – Letter circs primary, flat primary and culling letters, all tours.

    D. Culling mail assignments listed above shall be at employee option.

    E. Computer forwarding systems for CFS Clerks.

    2. Maintenance:

    A. Stockroom work – All tours.

    B. Plant Maintenance offices, Maintenance Control – All tours.

    C. Plant Maintenance shop work, All tours.

    3. Motor Vehicle Service:

    A. Clerical duties in MVS Office.



    Items 15, 16 & 17, Section B (Continued)

    Section B. Administration of Light Duty Assignments.

    If the applicant must be assigned light duty in another craft, a representative of the union having exclusive recognition for the gaining craft shall be consulted. In no case will regular employees in the gaining craft be denied preferred hours or tour of duty because an employee has been assigned to light duty in that craft.

    1. Permanent light duty assignments shall be Nixie Section, Postage Due, Box Section Primary, and Sign Shop.

    2. Any employee may be assigned light duty in another craft only after all possible areas for light duty have been exhausted in their own craft. These employees shall be assigned to Tour III unless otherwise stipulated by the attending physician.

    3. All additional permanent light duty assignments shall be the subject of meaningful consultation between the Union and Management as necessitated.


    ITEM 18


    When used in this Local Memorandum of Understanding, tours are defined as follows:

    Tour 1 - Any reporting time between 2000 – 0399

    (8:00 p.m. – 3:59 a.m.)

    Tour 2 - Any reporting time between 0400 – 1199

    (4:00 a.m. – 11:59 a.m.)

    Tour 3 - Any reporting time between 1200 – 1999

    (Noon – 7:59 p.m.)

    For permanent reassignment purposes sections will be identified by tour as follows:


    1. Outgoing Outgoing and Transit Iowa, including letters, flats and newspapers, register room, COD, label clerk, general expediters, card shack clerks, Clerk Messenger.

    2. Incoming Incoming, including letters, flats, newspapers, postage due, one-day station clerk, parcel post, tour superintendent office clerk, nixie, review clerk, revenue protection.

    3. SPBS

    4. Main Office and a. For permanent reassignment, including excessing,

    Stations abolishment and reduction, section definition will be all stations and branches within the jurisdiction of the D. M. Post office including window services, utilities, mark-up, relief & pool, part-tour stations, station distribution, senior mail processor, and SSPC clerks.

    b. For annual leave, overtime and holiday scheduling purposes sections shall be defined as:

    1. Main Office, Capital Square & East Des Moines

    2. Metro Annex

    3. Beaverdale Station

    4. University Station

    5. East Point Retail and Highland Park Station and Eastside Carrier Annex.

    ITEM 18, Section A (Continued)

    6. South Des Moines Station

    7. Pleasant Hill Branch

    8. Urbandale Station

    9. Morgan Street

    10. West Des Moines Station

    11. West Suburban Station

    12. Ash Creek Station

    5. Accounting

    6. Mailing Requirements (a) Mailing Requirements office clerks in one section.

    (b) Acceptance/verification clerks, full-time and relief and pool, BMAU and DMUS.

    7. Truck Terminal Sack sorter, expediter, Meredith Books.

    8. AMF AMF general expeditors, AMF relief and pool clerks, transfer clerks, ramp clerk.

    9. PEDC Training technician.

    10. PSDS Postal source data technician, relief and pool.

    11. ODIS Data collection technician, relief and pool.

    12. C.F.S

    13. Automation Letters located in GMF

    14. MPFSM

    15. Procurement Sign shop, supply clerk, property and supply clerk, clerk-steno, contract technician (District), procurement and material management assistant.

    16a. In-Plant Support Clerk support staff and contract technician (Plant).

    16b. Transportation/Networks


    ITEM 18, Section A (Continued)





    17a. Customer Service Support Claims and Inquiry Clerk


    District Complaints and Inquiry Clerk

    General Clerk

    Reception Clerk

    Relief and Pool for above

    Express Mail Technicians

    17b. Customer Relations Information Clerk

    (Post Office Claims and Inquiry Clerk

    Complaints and Inquiry Clerk

    General Clerk

    Reception Clerk

    Passport Clerk

    Relief and Pool for above


    Section B. MAINTENANCE

    1. Group leader Custodial, Laborer Custodial, Custodian.

    2. Maintenance Mechanic Level 4, Maintenance Mechanic Level 5.

    3. Maintenance Mechanic, MPE; Postal Machines Mechanic.

    4. Electronic Technician.

    5. Maintenance Support Clerk Level 5 and Maintenance Support Clerk Level 6.

    6. Area Maintenance Technician, Area Maintenance Specialist.

    7. Building Equipment Mechanic, Electrician.

    8. Painter, Carpenter, Letter Box Mechanic.



    ITEM 18, Section C (Continued)


    1. Mechanics, garagemen, body men.

    2. Motor Vehicle operator, tractor trailer operator.

    3. Clerical- General clerk, tool and parts clerk, supply clerk, driver examiner, dispatcher and dispatcher clerk.

    Any additions to the foregoing will be subject to negotiation between the Postal Service and the DMI-APWU.


    ITEM 19


    A. The parties agree to continue the existing parking program where facilities are available in excess to the needs of the Postal Service.

    B. All remaining parking spaces, both present and future, which are excess to the needs of the Postal Service shall be open to all employees on a first come, first serve basis.

    C. One parking space shall be reserved for DMI-APWU Local President.

    D. When parking spaces become inadequate, there shall be meaningful consultation between the Postal Service and the DMI-APWU.


    ITEM 20


    The employer's policy in handling requests for emergency annual leave shall be made known to all employees. The employer shall consider each request on the merits of the individual situation.


    ITEM 21


    1. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to leave notice with the Personnel Office concerning possible bids desired while on annual, sick, or LWOP time.

    2. Receipts shall be issued by the Personnel Office for all bids received for clerical jobs, provided bids are submitted in duplicate.

    3. If a posted bid is withdrawn, the Union will be informed as to the reasons.

    4. The successful bidder must be placed in the new assignment within ten working days. The only exceptions to this will be the month of December or when the Union requests that bids be reposted because of changes as outlined in Item 6 of this proposal.

    5. Copies (2) of all bids and successful bidders shall be sent to the President of the Union.

    6. Cumulative changes in excess of one hour from the original posting shall be reposted for bid. The incumbent shall not have the option of accepting the new reporting time.

    7. A. When there is a change in duty assignments, the Union will be notified of the change. The position will be reposted if requested by the Union and mutually agreed upon.

    B. When there is any change in scheme knowledge of an encumbered position, the Union will be notified of the change. At the request of the Union, the position will be reposted and the employee will become an unassigned regular.

    8. A suitable method of handling multiple bidding on duty assignments simultaneously posted is a proper subject for discussion at the local joint Labor-Management Committee Meetings.

    9. An employee may withdraw a bid on a posted assignment, if the withdrawal is received in writing not later than the closing time (hour and date) of the posting.

    ITEM 21 (Continued)

    10. A new Seniority Roster shall be posted each quarter by management.

    11. Station relief and pool clerk bids will be posted with no more than three (3) station work locations.


    ITEM 22


    Section 1. Clerks and Maintenance.

    A. Work Assignment Evaluation.

    Any unassigned clerk position that necessitated four (4) hours or more scheduling per tour (box section, firm cases, Federal Building, State House, etc.) for a sustained period of time shall be reviewed when requested by the Union and the jobs bid if justified as determined by Management.

    Section 2. Motor Vehicle Service.

    A. Bidding

    1. All Motor Vehicle Operator (M.V.O.), Tractor Trailer Operator (T.T.O.), and Vehicle Maintenance assignments will be bid once annually. All assignments will be posted for bid fifteen (15) days prior to the Fall time change and remain posted for ten (10) days prior to close. All assignments will be effective the first pay period following the Fall time change.

    2. Vehicle Maintenance employees will select a duty assignment from within their respective position designation after the seventh (7th) day of the · posting, beginning with the senior employee indicating his/her choice and annotating so on the sign up sheet. The next senior employee will be given the same opportunity as stated above, and the process will continue by seniority.


    ITEM 22 (Continued)

    3. A copy of all M.V.O. and T.T.O. duty assignments will be afforded to full-time M.V.O.'s and T.T.O.'s on the date of the posting indicating the schedule number, the hours of work, and the nonscheduled days of each duty, assignment, M.V.O.'s and T.T.O.'s will list in order of their preference the duty assignments from within their respective position designation, which they desire to bid, on PS Form 1717-A. Schedule numbers and/or bids numbers will be acceptable. Bid cards may be withdrawn prior to the close of bids. All bids must be received by the close of business (4:30 p.m.) ten (10) days after the posting. All bid cards submitted will be receipted.

    4. The National Agreement shall prevail over any disputes.

    5. When an MVS scheduled run is permanently changed in excess of one hour or when days off are changed, the run shall be posted for bid.

    B. Exchange of Vehicles.

    1. For out of town trips requiring a mechanic, first consideration will be given to vehicle maintenance employees on a rotating basis.

    2. When out of town trips are necessary for shuttle of vehicles, first consideration will be given to vehicle service employees on a rotating basis. Trips of six (6) hours or less will be performed by part-time flexible motor vehicle operators.

    3. All efforts will be made to use vehicle service employees to make vehicle deliveries before resorting to other crafts.

    C. Tractor training will be given to motor vehicle operators on the basis of seniority.

    Section 3. Maintenance

    1. Seniority for annual leave, holidays and overtime will be by craft seniority within the installation.


    ITEM 22 (Continued)



    Section 4. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.


    A. Military Returnees.


    Employees returning from Military Duty will be assigned to a tour, duty assignment, section and days off of their choice, commensurate with their seniority had they been on duty at time bids were posted and awarded. Military returnees will be subject to all conditions applicable to all other employees in the section to which they are assigned.




    Local Article 17: REPRESENTATION

    Joint Labor/Management Committee Meetings shall be scheduled in all offices in accordance with the following criteria, provided agenda items are submitted:

    Agenda items must be exchanged at least 72 hours prior to such meetings. Meetings shall be held on the last Thursday of the appropriate month unless the parties agree to another date. Where agenda items do not warrant a regularly scheduled meeting, discussions may take place by mutual agreement in lieu thereof.

    Local Article 22: BULLETIN BOARDS

    Management agrees that bulletin boards will be provided in appropriate areas for the exclusive use of the Local A.P.W.U. at all present and subsequently acquired installations unless Management proves that space is not available.


    Section 1. Clerks

    A. Definition of a Section.

    In detailing clerk employees to higher level bargaining unit work assignments, the immediate work area shall, for the purpose of this Memorandum, be the "Section" in which there is the need for higher level assignment.

    B. Bargaining Unit Assignments.

    Detailing of employees to higher level bargaining unit work in each craft shall be from those eligible, qualified and available employees in each craft in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists. However, for details of an anticipated duration of one week (five working days within seven calendar days) or longer to those higher level craft positions enumerated in the craft Articles of this Agreement as being permanently filled on the basis of promotion of the senior qualified employee, the senior, qualified, eligible, available employee in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists shall be selected. If no employee is available in the immediate work area, Management will, when practicable, utilize the same criteria outside the immediate work area.

    Section 2. Vehicle Service

    Detailing of employees to higher level bargaining unit work in each craft shall be from those eligible, qualified and available employees in each craft in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists. However, for details of an anticipated duration of one week (five working days within seven calendar days) or longer to those higher level craft positions enumerated in the craft articles of this Agreement as being permanently filled on the basis of promotion of the senior qualified employee, the senior, qualified, eligible, available employee in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists shall be selected.

    Section 3. Maintenance

    For details to higher level craft assignments in the maintenance craft, volunteers will be solicited from the appropriate Promotion Eligibility Register (PER).

    Local Article 31: EMPLOYEE SERVICES

    Postal Bulletins and Regional Bulletins shall be posted on an official bulletin board made available to the local designated agent of the APWU.

    Management will establish a local policy on emergency telephone calls and the use of telephones by authorized Union Officials and stewards for local calls relating to the administration of the National Agreement. This policy will be made known to the President of the DMI Local APWU and to all employees.


    When possible, every effort shall be made to give each maintenance craft employee an opportunity to receive formal training in the important areas of his everyday work assignments.






    This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes agreement between the

    Des Moines, Iowa Area Local of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the Management of the United States Postal Service at Des Moines, Iowa 50318.

    This agreement is entered into pursuant to the terms of Article 30 of the National Agreement effective on January 1, 2006, between the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the United States Postal Service.

    It is understood that those items currently contained in the previous Local Memoranda of Understanding not in conflict, inconsistent with, or varying the terms of the National Agreement shall remain in effect.

    Any violation of this Local Memorandum of Understanding becomes subject to the Grievance-Arbitration Procedure.


    _________________________________ ___________________________

    Jim Spina Doug Morrow

    Des Moines Iowa Area Local District Manager

    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO


    Steven E. Wenzel

    Senior Plant Manager



    Bernie Engelhaupt

    Manager, Customer Service



    Steven Thalken



    District Complaints and Inquiry Clerk

    General Clerk

    Reception Clerk

    Relief and Pool for above

    Express Mail Technicians

    17b. Customer Relations Information Clerk

    (Post Office Claims and Inquiry Clerk

    Complaints and Inquiry Clerk

    General Clerk

    Reception Clerk

    Passport Clerk

    Relief and Pool for above


    Section B. MAINTENANCE

    1. Group leader Custodial, Laborer Custodial, Custodian.

    2. Maintenance Mechanic Level 4, Maintenance Mechanic Level 5.

    3. Maintenance Mechanic, MPE; Postal Machines Mechanic.

    4. Electronic Technician.

    5. Maintenance Support Clerk Level 5 and Maintenance Support Clerk Level 6.

    6. Area Maintenance Technician, Area Maintenance Specialist.

    7. Building Equipment Mechanic, Electrician.

    8. Painter, Carpenter, Letter Box Mechanic.




    ITEM 18, Section C (Continued)



    1. Mechanics, garagemen, body men.

    2. Motor Vehicle operator, tractor trailer operator.

    3. Clerical- General clerk, tool and parts clerk, supply clerk, driver examiner, dispatcher and dispatcher clerk.

    Any additions to the foregoing will be subject to negotiation between the Postal Service and the DMI-APWU.



    ITEM 19


    A. The parties agree to continue the existing parking program where facilities are available in excess to the needs of the Postal Service.

    B. All remaining parking spaces, both present and future, which are excess to the needs of the Postal Service shall be open to all employees on a first come, first serve basis.

    C. One parking space shall be reserved for DMI-APWU Local President.

    D. When parking spaces become inadequate, there shall be meaningful consultation between the Postal Service and the DMI-APWU.


    ITEM 20



    The employer's policy in handling requests for emergency annual leave shall be made known to all employees. The employer shall consider each request on the merits of the individual situation.



    ITEM 21


    1. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to leave notice with the Personnel Office concerning possible bids desired while on annual, sick, or LWOP time.

    2. Receipts shall be issued by the Personnel Office for all bids received for clerical jobs, provided bids are submitted in duplicate.

    3. If a posted bid is withdrawn, the Union will be informed as to the reasons.

    4. The successful bidder must be placed in the new assignment within ten working days. The only exceptions to this will be the month of December or when the Union requests that bids be reposted because of changes as outlined in Item 6 of this proposal.

    5. Copies (2) of all bids and successful bidders shall be sent to the President of the Union.

    6. Cumulative changes in excess of one hour from the original posting shall be reposted for bid. The incumbent shall not have the option of accepting the new reporting time.

    7. A. When there is a change in duty assignments, the Union will be notified of the change. The position will be reposted if requested by the Union and mutually agreed upon.

    B. When there is any change in scheme knowledge of an encumbered position, the Union will be notified of the change. At the request of the Union, the position will be reposted and the employee will become an unassigned regular.

    8. A suitable method of handling multiple bidding on duty assignments simultaneously posted is a proper subject for discussion at the local joint Labor-Management Committee Meetings.

    9. An employee may withdraw a bid on a posted assignment, if the withdrawal is received in writing not later than the closing time (hour and date) of the posting.

    ITEM 21 (Continued)

    10. A new Seniority Roster shall be posted each quarter by management.

    11. Station relief and pool clerk bids will be posted with no more than three (3) station work locations.


    ITEM 22



    Section 1. Clerks and Maintenance.

    A. Work Assignment Evaluation.

    Any unassigned clerk position that necessitated four (4) hours or more scheduling per tour (box section, firm cases, Federal Building, State House, etc.) for a sustained period of time shall be reviewed when requested by the Union and the jobs bid if justified as determined by Management.

    Section 2. Motor Vehicle Service.

    A. Bidding

    1. All Motor Vehicle Operator (M.V.O.), Tractor Trailer Operator (T.T.O.), and Vehicle Maintenance assignments will be bid once annually. All assignments will be posted for bid fifteen (15) days prior to the Fall time change and remain posted for ten (10) days prior to close. All assignments will be effective the first pay period following the Fall time change.

    2. Vehicle Maintenance employees will select a duty assignment from within their respective position designation after the seventh (7th) day of the · posting, beginning with the senior employee indicating his/her choice and annotating so on the sign up sheet. The next senior employee will be given the same opportunity as stated above, and the process will continue by seniority.



    ITEM 22 (Continued)

    3. A copy of all M.V.O. and T.T.O. duty assignments will be afforded to full-time M.V.O.'s and T.T.O.'s on the date of the posting indicating the schedule number, the hours of work, and the nonscheduled days of each duty, assignment, M.V.O.'s and T.T.O.'s will list in order of their preference the duty assignments from within their respective position designation, which they desire to bid, on PS Form 1717-A. Schedule numbers and/or bids numbers will be acceptable. Bid cards may be withdrawn prior to the close of bids. All bids must be received by the close of business (4:30 p.m.) ten (10) days after the posting. All bid cards submitted will be receipted.

    4. The National Agreement shall prevail over any disputes.

    5. When an MVS scheduled run is permanently changed in excess of one hour or when days off are changed, the run shall be posted for bid.

    B. Exchange of Vehicles.

    1. For out of town trips requiring a mechanic, first consideration will be given to vehicle maintenance employees on a rotating basis.

    2. When out of town trips are necessary for shuttle of vehicles, first consideration will be given to vehicle service employees on a rotating basis. Trips of six (6) hours or less will be performed by part-time flexible motor vehicle operators.

    3. All efforts will be made to use vehicle service employees to make vehicle deliveries before resorting to other crafts.

    C. Tractor training will be given to motor vehicle operators on the basis of seniority.

    Section 3. Maintenance

    1. Seniority for annual leave, holidays and overtime will be by craft seniority within the installation.


    ITEM 22 (Continued)



    Section 4. All A.P.W.U. Bargaining Unit Employees.


    A. Military Returnees.


    Employees returning from Military Duty will be assigned to a tour, duty assignment, section and days off of their choice, commensurate with their seniority had they been on duty at time bids were posted and awarded. Military returnees will be subject to all conditions applicable to all other employees in the section to which they are assigned.



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