APWU Scholarships APWU Auxiliary Scholarship Accident Benefit Association Scholarship Union Plus College Aid Iowa Iowa Postal Workers UnionE.R. Stowers and Aaron Baer Scholarship IPWU Scholarship Application Form (Printable) IPWU Rules and Regulations (printable) Rules and Guidelines for scholarships applicants: 1. One applicant must be a son or daughter of an ative or deceased member of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) in an Iowa Postal Workers Union (IPWU) affiliated local or Member-at-Large of the IPWU. One applicant must be an active member of the Iowa Postal Workers Union. 2. One applicant must be a senior attending high school. One applicant must be a member in good standing with the IPWU. If there are no applicants in one of these categories, then two will be awarded from on category. 3. The high school senior applicant's parents must have been a member in good standing for at least one year prior to application or must have been a member for one year immediately preceeding death. 4. The active member must have been a member in good standing for at least one year prior to application. 5. Application must be made on the official IPWU appliaction form and must be returned with the required essay to the address on the application.(to request an appliaction send a request to info@apwuiowa.com.) 6. Applicants will be judged on the essay. The essay must not be more than 300 words. The essay will be on the theme; "Why American needs a strong trade union movement." 7. Scholarship winners will be selected by an impartial panel of educators affiliated with the University of Iowa Labor Center. 8. Scholarship recipients must attend an accredited college of choice which does not discriminate due to race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, political affiliation, age or national origin. 9, The award winners must show proof of enrollment, registration) in an accredited college, prior to receipt of the award. If the award winners fail to attend an accredited college or provide proof of enrollment in the award year, the sholarship will go to an alternate. 10. All applications and essays must be received at the post office box not later than June 1. (IPWU PO Box 539, Des Moines, IA. 50302.) 11. IPWU reserves the right to cancel or end this scholarship program at any time provided that all scholarships already granted or announced shall be awarded as stated. APWUScholarship Programs The APWU will award 15 scholarships in 2010 — ten academic scholarships and five vocational scholarships — to the children and grandchildren of APWU members. The deadline for submission of applications is March 15, 2010. (See How to Apply below). Please note that the APWU scholarship rules and the application form were revised for 2010. The appropriate individual application form must be used to apply for either the Hallbeck or Vocational scholarships. Old application forms will not be accepted. Starting in 2010, The E.C. Hallbeck Memorial Scholarship will award $6,000 ($1,500 annually) to ten recipients (one male and one female from each of the five postal regions) to help pay for their four-year college tuition. Vocational Scholarship winners will receive up to $3,000 ($1,000 annually) for specialized training in such fields as culinary arts, medical or dental assistant, electrician, real estate, auto mechanic, certified IT/computer education, cosmetology, or massage therapy, etc. Eligible programs can be of a nine-month to three-year duration. The scholarships are open only to high school seniors. [2010 brochure - PDF] How to Apply March 15, 2010 will be the deadline for the APWU to receive completed applications. Click here to download the 2010 APWU E.C. Hallbeck Memorial Scholarship Program application. [PDF] Click here to download the 2010 APWU Vocational Scholarship Program application. [PDF] 2009 Scholarship Winners Click here [PDF] to read about the 2009 APWU scholarship winners, their educational plans, and their parents. Additional Scholarship Opportunities In addition to the APWU Scholarship Program, you may wish to consider scholarship programs sponsored by Union Plus. Since 1992, the Union Plus Scholarship Program, created by the AFL-CIO, has awarded over $2 million to union members and their families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education at colleges or trade and technical schools. Their awards range from $500 to $4,000. For more information, visit www.unionplus.org/scholarships. In addition, Union Plus sponsors the National Labor College Scholarship, which grants awards to union members who attend the National Labor College at the George Meany Center for Labor Studies in Silver Spring, MD. Union Plus also offers a free Scholarship Search, with a database of more than 3,700 scholarships worth over $3.1 billion. ![](http://www.unionplus.org/statics/0000/2686/468x60UPscholarship.gif)
Iowa Federation of Labor GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPLABOR CENTERThe University of Iowa The assistantship is offered for those students who have an interest in working in the Industrial Relations or Labor Education area, and it requires that they take an active part in the teaching, research, and/or service activities of the Labor Center. Requirements to Be Considered for Qualifying for Assistantship Includes: COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES EXPANDED WAEPA, a non-profit association founded in 1943, has just announced a significant expansion of its college scholarship program. For the 2008-2009 academic year, the following scholarship awards have been established:
* $4,000 Scholarship -- One award, renewable up to three years. (Total value equals $16,000)
* $3,000 Scholarship -- Three awards, renewable up to two years. (Total value equals $9,000 per award)
* $2,000 Scholarship -- Six awards, renewable up to one year. (Total value equals $4,000 per award)
* $1,000 Scholarship -- Forty awards.
------------------------------------------------------------- To learn more about WAEPA visit http://fedweek.sparklist.com/t/295520807/1762894/303/0/ --------------------------------------------------------------
Plus, in recognition that 2008 will mark WAEPA's 65th anniversary, fifteen additional $1,000 awards have been added. As a result, there will be a total of sixty-five scholarships available for the 2008-2009 academic year.
"We introduced the WAEPA Scholarship program last year and the results were phenomenal -- the response was tremendous and the quality of applicants was exceptional," said John Seal, President of WAEPA. "Since there were so many deserving students, the Board of Directors decided to increase the number of scholarships for the second year of the program."
All applicants are evaluated by an independent firm on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership in school, community, or volunteer activities, honors, work experience, goals and aspirations, unusual personal or family circumstances, and an outside appraisal. Only children of WAEPA life policyholders are eligible for the WAEPA Scholarship Program.
ABOUT WAEPA ----------- WAEPA is a non-profit association that provides life insurance to civilian federal employees and their families. Over 40,000 members now belong to WAEPA, and life insurance in-force exceeds $8.3 billion. WAEPA is governed by a Board of Directors composed of senior career executives of the U.S. government who serve on a voluntary non-paid basis.
In addition, WAEPA has also established a premium refund policy. Since 1996 WAEPA has granted eleven premium refunds, which has resulted in WAEPA members receiving over $33 million in premium refunds. This past September WAEPA refunded over $5.3 million in returned premiums to its members.
WAEPA enables federal employees, and their families, to purchase better
life insurance at far better prices. As a superior alternative, or supplement to FEGLI, WAEPA gives its members more coverage, more benefits, and greater flexibility- yet costs much less. WAEPA currently protects over 40,000 federal employees and their families with over $8.3 billion
of life insurance coverage.
WAEPA is located in Falls Church, Virginia, just outside of Washington DC. To learn more about WAEPA visit http://fedweek.sparklist.com/t/295520807/1762894/303/0/, or call 1-800-368-3484.
Use the following link to read this article on the League's Web Site: http://www.ia-icul.org/login.asp?e=F?id=2249
Iowa Credit Union Foundation Wants Applicants for the 2009 FIB Scholarships
Deadline is Friday, February 6, 2009
High school students will be on holiday break soon, so remind your members to apply for the 2009 Family Involvement Board Scholarship program. Two scholarships are available for non-traditional students as well.
Applicants must complete the entry form and write a 500-word essay on the following topic: Legislation should soon make certain that financial education be mandatory in Iowa schools. Taking the stance of pro-financial education, state your case why this legislation is necessary.
Every year applicants are disqualified because their essay is not close to 500 words. Please make sure you highlight this in your communications!
A poster is available for your use at http://www.ia-icul.org/support_files/CUFlier08.pdf.
There are two scholarship programs available. The first is a scholarship for high school students classified as a senior with a projected graduation date of 2009. The nontraditional scholarship is open to any person who is entering or attending an accredited undergraduate, graduate or vocational program.
A total of $5,750 will be awarded. The high school scholarship competition will award a total of $3,750. The first place prize is $1,500; second place is $1,000; third place is $750 and fourth place is $500. The nontraditional scholarship category will award two $1,000 scholarships.
Judging will be based on originality, grammar, clarity and meaningful content of the essay. The deadline for applications is February 6, 2009. Winners will be notified via mail by April 17, and the results will be posted on IowaCreditUnions.com.
Applicants can apply online at http://www.iowacreditunions.com/asp/fib/FIBApp.asp
Electronic copies of the application can be found on the members-only site under Foundation location under the Community & Media Outreach tab. We encourage you to place the online application link on your website.
The link to the application is http://www.ia-icul.org/support_files/FIBApp.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact Marybeth Foster at 800.860.6180 x3001 or marybethf@iowacreditunions.com or Cindy Love at x3012 or cindyl@iowacreditunions.com. |