EAP PUB Employee Assistance Program The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to Postal employees and their immediate family. This program is not the old PAR program. EAP is paid for, but not run by, the Postal Service. The EAP is administered by the Federal Occupational Health service who has contracted with Magellan Health Service to operate the program. The EAP is staffed by professional counselors and their services are FREE. Counseling services are confidential and no information is provided to the USPS except the time an employee arrives and when he/she left the counselor's office (if the visit was on-the-clock). Professional counseling is available for a wide range of issues, including Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Family Counseling, Depression, Marital issues, etc. Make no mistake about what you are getting, the EAP is a professional service staffed by private, professional counselors. If you sought out similar services on your own, you could expect to pay over $100.00/hr. Our Local sits on the Hawkeye District Advisory Board for the Employee Assistance Program. Union participation on the advisory board was secured by the APWU at the headquarters level. This board meets on a regular basis to provide oversight for the program and to address problems that may arise. This board does not have access to information about individuals but will address problems and/or concerns regarding the implementation of the program. If you need help or just want to talk to somebody about problems at home or at work, call an EAP counselor at 1-800-EAP-4YOU (1-800-327-4968) or visit their web site by clicking here. If you or a family member needs help ... "Make the Call"
1-800-EAP-4YOU TTY: 1-877-492-7341 www.eap4you.com 1-800-EAP-4-YOU (1-800-327-4968) TTY 1-877-492-7341