Link to more legal info Accident Investigation Tort Claims - MI Arrest Info Copyright Developments in Courts and NLRB 2009-2010 Duty of Fair Representation Ethics - CFR Code of Conduct Federal Tort Claim Act Form to Give and Read to Inspectors Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information MSPB Giving Unions the right to form unions Hatch Act IMIP Checklist Workplace Harassment Labor Law in Iowa's Public Workplace Legal Issues 1990 Legal Rights and Responsibilities Book Libel MIsclassification Contract Employees NLRB and You NLRB Particially Completed 501 PO 702 Tort Claim Act Polygraph Testing Postal Legal Cases Private Counsel Pub 308 Know your Rights Guide for Victims and Witnesses of a Crime Randum Drug Testing Rights Before Postal Inspectors and OIG Right to Form a Union Iowa Public Employees Relations Act Search of Vehicles Steps for Managers to address Workplace Harassment Tort Act Explained Unfair Labor Practice - (ULP) Weingarten Rights - Schwartz Weingarten Rule - step 4 Weingarten V NLRB Workers Compensation in Iowa Merit System Protection Board(MSPB)Appelant Q & A Enforced Leave Electronic Appeals Freedom of Information How to obtain a Document Initial Appeal Process Military Leave MSPB - APWU Book MSPB Judges Handbook Request to Delay Effective Date of Personell Action Submitting a Motion Whistleblower Q & A Zero Tolerance FinancialFiduciary Responsibility of Union Officials MSPB Recommends that Agencies Provide More Information and Flexibility to Supervisors on Alternative Discipline Alternative discipline is an approach to addressing misconduct that enables supervisors to consider the nature of the offense, and the personality of the employee, when crafting a response that has the greatest potential to help the employee to avoid future misconduct. For example, under traditional discipline, Federal supervisors have the authority to suspend an employee without pay if the employee misbehaves— but what if the supervisor thinks another method may have a better chance of changing the employee’s behavior? The U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has just released a report, Alternative Discipline: Creative Solutions for Agencies to Address Misconduct, that looks at what agencies are doing in this area. One of the report’s major findings is that few agencies have a formal policy on alternative discipline, and many agencies do not provide formal training or guidance. This leaves supervisors and organizations to learn about alternative discipline on their own. “Alternative discipline is a great tool for supervisors to consider if they have an employee who is engaging in misconduct,” says MSPB Chairman Neil A.G. McPhie. “It empowers proposing and deciding officials to work with the misbehaving employee in order to craft a solution that has the greatest potential to change that employee’s conduct. Traditional discipline should remain an option for management. If the supervisor and the employee can agree on a better approach, however, we encourage agencies to consider alternative discipline.” The MSPB’s support for using alternative approaches to traditional discipline dates back to its early days after its formation following the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. In a landmark 1981 case, Douglas v. Veterans Administration, the Board held that one important factor for agencies to consider when determining the correct penalty is, “the adequacy and effectiveness of alternative sanctions to deter such conduct in the future.” The MSPB report contains information on how different agencies are using— or not using—alternative discipline and includes a helpful section on important case law for parties to consider when drafting an alternative discipline agreement.