Why this petition matters
The Postal Board of Governors oversees the operation of the United States Postal Service, an essential and Constitutionally-mandated public service that reaches every community in the country. Yet the Board's only formal contact with the people whose interests they are supposed to represent is a brief public meeting at least four times a year broadcast online.
In the public comment section following the adjournment of the most recent meeting, commenters who had pre-registered to address the Board were given only 25 seconds each in which to introduce themselves and raise their question or concern. At PBoG meetings in years past, the time allocated for comments in person or via online link was 3 minutes.
The obvious conclusion is that the Postal Board of Governors does not want to hear from the people they are supposed to serve. To correct that impression, the Board should make the following changes in their public sessions immediately:
1. All commenters should get up to 3 minutes to speak.
2. The comment period should be carried, recorded and posted on the PBoG webpage alongside the recording of the formal session.
3. All Board members should be encouraged to respond to points raised by the public..