Please see the news bulletin posted on the APWU website home page in regards to PSHB open season being extended through December 13, 2024.
APWU Health Plan covers postal workers and retirees eligible for the new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program and federal employees and retirees eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Enroll in your new health plan during Open Season,  November 11 – December 13, 2024. Visit today to compare plans, learn about new benefits, and lock in the coverage that fits your needs.
As a reminder, I previously sent out a message on November 12, 2024 with links and information about sites to go to:
Union Family.
You may share this with the field. My office has received some inquires about open season. Specifically, where do folks go to change their health insurance and enroll with the new FSA manager. I have attached a document that is very simple on how to get to the pages. My department did not do anything more than go to the start pages. Hope it helps. A few reminders:
USPS Open Season: November 11, 2024 through December 9, 2024
You must have a user id and password to utilize the PSHB enrollment site.
PSHB enrollment site:
How to get to FSA enrollment (see attachment for images):
Login to LiteBlue
Click the “Apps” tab at the top of the page
Click on the “Flexible Spending Account” icon (2nd row, 4th column from the left)
Remember—don’t wait to the last minute in case you have issues. It is easier to address any issues now rather than on December 9, 2024.
This is for information purposes only to facilitate APWU represented employees to get to the necessary websites to make changes.
I have also attached an email and forms from APWU Health Plan Director Sarah Rodriguez on signing up for PSHB using paper forms. Even though the forms say “FEHB” they will be accepted for PSHB. I am only sharing information on behalf of multiple officers and their hard work on the open season fiasco OPM has caused.