The Postal Service is offering an optional retirement opportunity that includes an incentive to certain employees represented by the American Postal Workers Union and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union.
The incentive offer is available to the following career full-time, part-time flexible and part-time regular employees who are eligible for optional retirement or voluntary early retirement (VER) as of April 30:
• Clerk craft
• Mail handler craft
• Motor vehicle services craft
• Maintenance craft
• Information technology and accounting service centers craft
• National Postal Professional Nurses craft
• Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC), Greensboro, NC
• Headquarters Facility Services, Washington, DC
• Administration and Building Support, Merrifield, VA
• National Material Customer Service Center, Topeka, KS
All eligible employees will receive an offer letter and additional information from the Postal Service the week of Feb. 3 by First-Class Mail. The letter and information will be mailed to the employee’s home address of record. The Postal Service strongly encourages employees to ensure their home address of record is correct.
Details of the retirement incentive offering, important submission dates and other information is available on the MyHR website’s Voluntary Early Retirement or Optional Retirement pages.
Employees can access MyHR by going to LiteBlue and signing in using their employee identification number.