Union Family,
You may share this with the field. Previously, we had identified that there may be a problem with APWU Consumer Drive Health Plan (CDHP) premium deductions from paychecks. We informed the Postal Service of what we believed our concerns to be. Today, they acknowledged that there are problems—I cannot say if what we identified is the issue below. I have no further information than what I will provide below. We do know that approximately 1000 APWU represented employees are still affected. If employees bring you issues n APWU CDHP premiums, please let them know the information below. The message below is from USPS HQ labor relations:
Below is information regarding an issue that will impact approx. 1,000 career APWU represented employees on their paycheck for PP2 (pay date tomorrow, 1/31):
· Currently impacts approx. 1,000 career APWU employees and an overcharge of $60 – 140 per employee.
· What started it:
o Payroll programming assigned the incorrect deduction amount PSHB enrollment deduction for the APWU Consumer Driven plan during open season.
o Issue originally impacted 30,000+ employees and was caught in production. All but 1,000 were corrected prior to Payroll processing weekend.
· Next steps:
o Programming correction to refund process is now expected for PP 04 (current pay period).
o Assuming programming is installed by 2/5, Payroll Operations will begin processing the refunds manually to be paid with PP 04.
· Root cause:
o Dev/UNIT lower environment testing did not catch the issue.
o CAT validation did not see the original incorrect deduction issue among other PSHB processing issues encountered.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss, please let me know.
Shannon Richardson
Director, Contract Administration APWU
Labor Relations